Understanding McLuhan The Voyager Company 1996

The medium is the message and Marshall McLuhan was the messenger. In the 1960s McLuhan virtually invented media analysis- questioning how technology changes out world. Now, people are returning to McLuhan for his brilliant insights into how the tools we shape shape us. This CD-ROM features one of the most extensive compilations of the observations and works of McLuhan. For instance: it includes the complete texts of McLuhan's groundbreaking texts "Understanding Media" and "The Gutenberg Galaxy." It also features exploration of eight of major McLuhan perceptions all illustrated with text, animation, video clips and audio. There's also a two hour audio lecture and full transcipt on the subject communication McLuhan gave at Colombia University in 1978. There's also interviews, a biography and an extensive bibliography of McLuhan. For those wanting to know more about McLuhan, his works and influence, needless to say, this CD-ROM is the best place to start.
Full ISO Demo (uploaded by Old_Schooler)

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