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A joke!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 3:15 am
by InTenSe
Hi! Here a long but cool joke...

Bob have a big headache. Everyday Bob have big headache. He don't talk to a lot to people.. he have a headache. Bob isn't very good at work... he have a headache. He don't go out at night... he have a headache. Bob have seen a lot of doctors but not a single one can tell why Bob have a headache. After 5 years of suffering Bob finally find a specialist of Headache. The doctor do a lot of tests on Bob and then say to him :

- "I have a good and a bad new for you! First the good, I know what is causing your headache! The bad new is that you have headaches because your testicles are to far back and are making a pressure on your spinal nerve and irritate it. This irritation is transmitted through your spine and cause your headache. The only solution is to remove your testicles."

Bob take 10 mins to think... His headache is terrible... he can't live a normal live... so he decide to have his testicles removed.

2 weeks after the operation, Bob is a new man.. he headache is gone... he can now live for real! He talk more to people, he can go out at night. To celebrate that, Bob decide to go to the tailor to buy a new suit!

Bob say to the tailor :

- Hi! I need a new suit.

The tailor look at Bob and say:

- Ok! you will need size 54 for the jacket and hummm 46 for the pants.

- Oh! It"s exactly that! You are good! How did you now?

- It's normal, I have been tailor for 20 year I know my job.

So Bob buy his brand new suit and juste befor leaving he dicide to buy some underwears. So he ask the tailor

The tailor look at Bob and say:

- You will need size 44 for the underwears...

- This time you are wrong say Bob... I wear 41...

- Belive me sir... say the tailor, I know my job.

- I have been wearing 41 for five years now... say Bob

Then the tailor say:

- Do as you want, but if you wear 41, your testicles are going to be compress then push on your spinal nerve, cause irritation of the spine and big headache....

Hope you liked it :D ... and sorry for my "not perfect" english!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 6:11 pm
by A-mak
hahaha, gold.

Its fine, I still got the joke.. All that was wrong was he was wearing small underwear.

Shoulda turned to boxers, feel like ya freeballin 24/7 :P

PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 10:02 pm
by hurenBock
thx a mak now it doesnt make any sense to read the whole joke :lol:

PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 5:26 pm
by JaMastaJ
LOL haha gd1!!!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 9:13 pm
by freakboy
Hehe, nice! :lol: