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Peter Jackson's King Kong

Postby XavierHG » Mon Apr 15, 2024 2:48 am

Game entry:

- Gamer's Edition DVD ISO Demo 5GB (thanks to Delacroix & upped by Shattered)

- 2DVD Limited Collector's Edition ISO Demo 5.43GB (uploaded by Shattered)
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Re: Peter Jackson's King Kong  Topic is solved

Postby Shattered » Sun Apr 21, 2024 7:09 am

I've fixed those links.
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Re: Peter Jackson's King Kong

Postby hfric » Wed May 01, 2024 1:38 am

man , the PS2\Xbox 1 version port (aka the first PC port) is way better , then the XBOX360 version PC port aka GE version second port... yes , the xbox360 version had better textures\bloom\high res models ... but they broke the animations that where made for the XBox\PS2 version and the xbox360 version has no shadows ... don't believe me , here a IN DEPTH review that in PEDANTIC detail shows why the PS2\XBOX1 version of King Kong is BETTER then the XBOX360 version comparing all .. even Ripping those models and showing them in Blender ... not to mention Ubisoft payed actors to license theirs likeness and voice for the Xbox\PS2 version ... but for the xbox360 version they did not , hence this version only uses theirs voices but no Faces

IN depth Review:
Version comparison
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