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Bet On Soldier: Black out Saigon

Postby Kaisen » Wed Jul 12, 2023 4:14 pm

Please, I'm having trouble to run Bet On Soldier: Black out Saigon.

Whenever I select the first stage in the map, the game will crash during the loading screen with some error about KT_Game.dll.

I've tried downloading both Trilogy pack and the individual release to no avail.

There's only one crack for this game as far as I know, so I'm hopeless.

Does anyone know a fix for this?

The other two games run fine btw.

Thank you.

EDIT: Something I noticed, this crack for Black out Saigon is, apparently, for the version 1.0 of the game, but the game installer and main menu say 1.4. So maybe this crack is for the very first release of the game(if there's any)? I'm not sure if the 1.0 in this case really means something tho. I don't know if they even made a release of the version 1.0 of this game, and if they did, I have no idea of where to find it. There's absolutely no other crack that says 1.4.
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Re: Bet On Soldier: Black out Saigon  Topic is solved

Postby hfric » Fri Jul 14, 2023 8:51 pm

This DLC is 30 min long ...
Bet on Soldier, was a game sponsored by Ageia Physx Realistic Physics Card needs Ageia Drivers to work , since Nvidia bought them all Nvidia cards by Native have this Physx compatibility but you need the legacy drivers ... 213242278/

You can also get the Unprotected Stand Alone DLCs from Steam with the blessing of the Dev ... 933996807/
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Re: Bet On Soldier: Black out Saigon

Postby Kaisen » Mon Jul 17, 2023 1:14 pm

Wow, I thought about trying some digital, but after some search I thought only Bet On Soldier original was available and the "DLCs" were left aside. I don't think it has anything to do with PhysX because I've played the original and Sahara no problem, and I have played many other games that used PhysX as well. I'll check it out, thank you.
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Re: Bet On Soldier: Black out Saigon

Postby hfric » Mon Jul 17, 2023 10:29 pm

Depends on the drivers you have installed ... since many Ubisoft games also needed them to work from 2006 till 2008 , and installed them silently without your knowledge (same like SF\Safedisk\Securom DRM) (and Nvidia installed them Native, but still you had to have some legacy DLL api to play some of older games)... GRAW was theirs first game that used realistic physics on PC (and spied on you, since Ubisoft had this golden idea to place Advert spaces in games to get extra cash from gamers... so if this game sniffed a internet connection, it downloaded a advert on selected spaces , even uploaded information how long you stared on this advert ) ... by the way, the XBox360 version and the PC version are a different product ... 360 its a TPS shooter on small maps , PC is a FPS on humongous maps (5x the size of the 360 maps) ... just a tidbit if you ever want to play this game ...
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Re: Bet On Soldier: Black out Saigon

Postby Kaisen » Mon Jul 17, 2023 10:32 pm

This is super weird. The Saigon provided by your link worked, then I noticed that all files present are of same crack I tried before. So I've just re-installed the retail version of the game to try it again just out of curiosity, and this time it worked :s the only thing I did different is that I didn't got the original game and Sahara installed this time, so maybe Saigon was conflicting with the others somehow?

Anyway, it's solved now. Thank you!

EDIT: lol we posted at the same time :lol:
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