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My Guide On Cracking The Planet Crafter  Topic is solved

Postby Ali Akbar » Fri Apr 26, 2024 6:39 pm

Here is my guide for cracking The Planet Crafter's Assembly-CSharp.dll (credits to Rune & pakrat). I made this because I was going to play this game with my Mother, but when we launched the game the main menu had no text at all. Then I was informed that it was due to something in the Assembly-CSharp.dll, so after using JustAssembly, I figured out what was changed and from then on it was a simple matter of editing the dll myself. I also made the guide in case if the game gets updated and no scene group cracks it and no one else cracks it either. I tried to make it as simple (noob friendly) as possible :)

Note: This is only for the Steam version of The Planet Crafter, the GOG one is DRM free.

Step 1: Download DnSpy ( ) there is no need to download, just get the win64 version.

(Optional, but might come in handy in the future, or for other things): Get JustAssembly from here it is helpful if you ever want to compare two dlls (example: cracked and uncracked) and find all the differences/changes. This is how I was able to figure out how this game was cracked.
Important: the installer will ask you to create an account, otherwise it won't let you install JustAssembly, just FYI.

Step 2: Extract and launch dnSpy.exe

Step 3: The screen should look like this:


If it is not, then click on file, on the to left, then click "Close all" from the drop-down menu. If that option is greyed out, then no need to do anything, move on to step 4

Step 4: Click on file, and select open (or just press Ctrl+O), then navigate to The Planet Crafter's directory and open it's (uncracked) Assembly-CSharp.dll

Step 5: Once it is open, it should look like this


Assembly-CSharp (, then do the same for Assembly-CSharp.dll, the end result should be this


Step 6: Click "
SpaceCraft" then a long list of thingies should be revealed


Step 7: In the Assembly Explorer, scroll down until you come across "
SteamRichPresence @02000204" and then click it


Step 8: Right-Click "
Start() : void @06000CC0" and in the drop-down menu select "Edit Method Body"


After you do that, the following screen should show up


Step 9: Right-click on that window, and from the drop-down menu select "Remove All Instructions" and after you do that, click ok

Step 10: Back in the Assembly Explorer, scroll further down until you reach "
UiWindowPause @020002ED"


Then click on it.

Step 11: Right-Click on "
OnFriendInvite() : void @06001343" and in the drop-down menu select "Edit Method Body"

Step 12: Repeat step 9

Step 13: Click on file, on the top left, and in the drop-down menu click "Save All", then click ok

Once it saves, you can close DnSpy, and that is it. You have cracked it. :up: then just use your preferred emulator, I use GoldBerg Emulator for Coop, but the game and possibly coop might work without any emulator, but you need to crack the dll no matter what.
Ali Akbar
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