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Persian Gulf Soldier name change/addition

Postby Terje_P » Wed Jul 22, 2020 12:22 am

This should change it name to Fighting in Aden Gulf and maybe change the year to 2012*
You can add the download link that is used for Fighting in aden gulf 10 degrees turn, as it includes the singleplayer campaign from the first game in addition to the multiplayer client.

Fighting in aden gulf 10 degrees turn ... grees-turn

An addition is probably the best, as the game have used a lot of different names in the western media. So that people can actually find what they are looking for.

I'm sorry that I never was able to find a clean copy of Fighting in Aden Gulf: 10 Degrees Turn, although with caution you should be able to finish the game, as I already did so myself.

Random mission from the game ... -27-26.png


This is what the official youtube channel says the release dates are, that goes against the description on though.

Fighting in Aden Gulf: 10 Degrees Turn

Platform: PC
Type: FPS - Singleplayer and Multiplayer
Release Date: January 2014


Fighting in Aden Gulf

Platform: PC
Type: FPS - Singleplayer
Release Date: June 5, 2012
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