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Internet Archive backups

Postby Scaryfun » Sat Dec 02, 2023 8:34 am

A thing I thought would be good for our preservation efforts but that I probably don't have the time to do with all my site updating duties...
If someone would like to help the site but doesn't want to upload games... having someone go through a year page of Adventure Legends or 3D Shooter Legends and finding out of any titles that are not on Internet Archive yet so someone could make a backup there.
I know Internet Archive is not permanent and things could disappear there, but would be great to have especially obscure games in a secondary place.
If game is fairly popular or common, it can be skipped but otherwise someone can choose a year and indicate below that you can help with that (so people don't duplicate their efforts).
Then please list any titles which would need backing up by searching Internet Archive and getting no results. I'd use the main page search at which does all categories as sometimes people put software in other categories.

Thanks to anyone who can help out,
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Re: Internet Archive backups

Postby hfric » Sun Dec 03, 2023 5:10 pm

My two cents ... the Exo project is that
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, since most of the time they link to us (and nearly all games from them are from Us :lol: ) So you can say the Dos and Win3.11 era is covered ... to a point .
Since they don't do Regional games , or the most obscure like We do . So that would also speed things up a bit .

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