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Charmrosh and Son of Persia.

Postby Terje_P » Wed Dec 13, 2023 3:14 am

Maybe wait until there is a release date before adding to the site. Only posting here so I don't forget about the games.

While searching for Son of Persia mentioned on a Iranian telegram channel, I came across the steampage for another game by the same developer:
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Re: Charmrosh and Son of Persia.

Postby hfric » Thu Dec 14, 2023 2:39 am

Looks like a asset flip , but still better the Ubisoft new Prince of Persia when you no longer play as the PRINCE OF PERSIA SAVING A PRINCES ... but as his BLACK GAY BODYGUARD, SAVING THE PRINCE (not kidding :lol: )... so progressive , so ESG patched
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