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Postby black » Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:30 pm

Diluted - Slipknot
I'm cold, I'm ugly
I'm always confused by everything
I can stare into a thousand eyes
But every smile hides a bold-faced lie

It itches, it seethes, it festers and breathes
My heros are dead, they died in my head
Thin out the herd, squeeze out the pain
Something inside me has opened up again

Thoughts of me exemplified
All the little flaws I have denied
Forget today, forget whatever happened
Everyday I see a little more of overall deficiencies
I'm nothing short of being one complete catastrophe

What the hell - did I - do to deserve - all of this?

I save all the bullets from ignorant minds
Your insults get stuck in my teeth as they grind
Way past good taste, on our way to bad omens
I decrease, while my symptoms increase

God what the fudge is wrong
You act like you knew it all along
Your timing sucks, your silence is a blessing

All I ever wanted out of you was
something you could never be
Now take a real good look at
What you've fudge done to me

Gimme any reason why I'd need you, boy
Gimme any reason not to fudge you up
Gimme any reason why I'd need you, bitch
Gimme any reason not to fudge you up

I see you in me

I keep my scars from prying eyes
Incapable of ever knowing why
Somebody breathe, I've got to have an answer

Why am I so fascinated by
bigger pictures, better things
But I don't care what you think
You'll never understand me
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Postby V-man » Tue Nov 14, 2006 12:12 pm

One from the better times of this band:

In Flames - Stand Ablaze

The time is now
Please tell me how
Set ablaze...
Remembering how it used to be
Scarred for eternity
Was it meant to be?
A life in harmony...

Bleeding, regretting...

Solitary life
Committing suicide
Seeking sanctuary
From this world, contrary

Stand Ablaze
As the flames caress my face
Stand Ablaze...
FreeDOS - A new generation of an "old" OS!
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Postby Nightweaver » Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:16 pm

:3 Two of my favorite songs by Dimmu Borgir. Perfect for my Quake III/UT playlist. *headbangs*

Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse

The battle raged on and on
Fuelled by the venom of hatred for man
Consistently, without the eyes to see
By those who revel in sewer equally

We, the prosperity of the future seal
Cloaked by the thunders of the north wind
Born to capture the essence of
The trails of our kind

Zero tolerance must be issued forth
Behind the enemy's line
So it shall be written
And so it shall be done

[repeat 1st and 2nd verse]

Discover and conceive the secret wealth
And pass it unto your breed
Become your own congregation
Measure the sovereignty of it's invigoration

We, who not deny the animal of our nature
We, who yearn to preserve our liberation
We, who face darkness in our hearts with a solemn fire
We, who aspire to the truth and pursue it's strength

Are we not the undisputed prodigy of warfare
Fearing all the mediocrity that they possess
Should we not hunt the bastards down with our might
Reinforce and claim the throne that is rightfully ours

Consider the god we could be without the grace
Once and for all
Diminish the sub principle and leave it's toxic trace
Once and for all

Eradication Instincts Defined

As mortal manufactured waste
And part of the commonly infected
You prevent the ones worthy the gift of life
To surface on once a prosperous soil

As superficially bewildered whores
And succumbing to fictional truth
You are taught to preserve and profit
The life institutional lie

You worthless piece of shit
May we all depart from this world
And dissolve into nothingness
Compassion will not be granted
When life's value
Is point below zero

Human depravity is at our disposal
As the perfect tool to destroy mankind
The worst kind of them all
Modern times' ignorance, the world disease
Appeal to death of every man

A living hate smoldering abyss
Nurtured through centuries with quietly exercised wrath
Seeks the easiest way to the feed the engine
Praising the final bloodbath

Uncertainty and guilt
Will no longer endorse our fate
There will be no remorse, we kill to kill again
Killing all

Go ahead end it all, we deserve no better
As a forever unblessed detonation
The great plutonium chord fulminates
Blinding the eyes of creation

Cutting off all life support
Sweeping away existence instantly
Iced desolate ruins linger
Leaving traces of our lovely humanity

[repeat 1st and 6th verse]
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Postby black » Sun Nov 19, 2006 11:18 pm

Puddle Of Mudd - Away from Me

Look at me now just sitting here by myself
And I think you found someone else
Now I'm gonna have to find a way to put the bottle down
And why can't you see
That I'm drowning in a pool of misery

I'm always afraid
That you're gone away from me
I'm always afraid that you're lost in somebody
I'm always afraid
That you're gone away from me
I'm always afraid that you're lost

So here I am I don't wanna be by myself
And I think you're fudge someone else
Now I'm gonna have to find a way to take the knife out of my back
And how could you leave me
Stranded in a closet full of bones

I'm always afraid
That you're gone away from me
I'm always afraid that you're lost in somebody
I'm always afraid
That you're gone away from me
I'm always afraid that you're lost

Maybe you could let me stay
Maybe just for one more day
You could help me stay the same
Maybe things won't ever change
Maybe we could taste the rain
You could push me out the way

Now I sit here by myself
Think about somebody else
How could you let them take you away from me
There's somebody else

I'm always afraid
That you're gone away from me
I'm always afraid that you're lost in somebody
I'm always afraid
That you're gone away from me
I'm always afraid that you're.....fudge!!!

I'm always afraid
Away From Me
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Postby PCG342 » Wed Jun 13, 2007 4:09 pm

Chevelle: Family System

I'm tired of your open mouth,
Crawling inside my skin,
Endless pain we never quit,
The fight within that prides begun,
Saying its too late,
What a man's got he'll learn to hate.

Forget the time I said I would,
Replace that with I never will,
Beyond the facts held in your face,
Ignore the facts beyond your nose,
Saying it's too late,
What a man's got he'll learn to hate.

Grow up

Now without meaning,
No response, no revealing...

Just grow up!

We'll start the ass-kissing with you
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Postby black » Mon Jan 21, 2008 12:11 pm

This song always gives me mixed feelings

Slipknot:Prelude 3.0

I don't know why...
...I never told you
I don't know why...
...I never tried

When we shed these bitter sins again

All the reasons come to life
But now it's over..
Now it's over
Now it's over
Now it's over

I don't know why
You never asked me
And I don't know why
You never cared

When we hide these little sins again

All the reasons
Have to die...
But now it's over
Now it's over
And now it's over
And now it's over
And now it's over!


Slipknot:The Blister Exists
Bones in the water and dust in my lungs
Absorbing archaic like a sponge
The ultimate way is the way you control
But can you stay if you detach your soul
Bury the present and squeeze out the past
The ones you endear to never last
Chemical burns and the animalistic
I'm just anohter hardline psuedo-statistic
Can you feel this?
I'm dying to feel this
Can you feel this?
Blood on the paper and skin on my teeth
Trying to commit to whats beneath
To find the time is to lose the momentum
You learn the lessons and immediately forget them
Automatic and out of my reach
Consult all the waste to find the key
Minimal life and the polysyllabic
I'm just another blank page - push the button, pull the rage
Can you feel this?
I'm dying to feel this
Can you feel this?
I am all, but what am I?
Another number that isn't equal to any of you
I control, but I comply
Pick me apart, then pick up the pieces
I'm uneven
I am the damaged one
All my life and the damage done
Can you feel this?
I'm dying to feel this
Can you feel this?
I'm dying to feel this
I am all, but what am I?
Another number that isn't equal to any of you
I control, but I comply
Pick me apart, then pick up the pieces
I'm uneven
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Postby AliCaN » Mon Jan 21, 2008 8:20 pm

Working Class Hero
by John Lennon

As soon as you're born they make you feel small
By giving you no time instead of it all
Till the pain is so big you feel nothing at all
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be

They hurt you at home and they hit you at school
They hate you if you're clever and they despise a fool
Till you're so fudge crazy you can't follow their rules
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be

When they've tortured and scared you for twenty odd years
Then they expect you to pick a career
When you can't really function you're so full of fear
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be

Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV
And you think you're so clever and class less and free
But you're still fudge peasants as far as I can see
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be

There's room at the top they are telling you still
But first you must learn how to smile as you kill
If you want to be like the folks on the hill
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be
If you want to be a hero well just follow me
If you want to be a hero well just follow me

Between Angels And Insects
By Papa Roach

There's no money,
there's no possessions,
only obsession
I don't need that shit,
take my money,
take my obsession

I just wanna be heard, loud and clear are my words,
comin’ from within man
Tell ‘em what you heard,
it's about a revolution
In your heart and in your mind,
you can find the conclusion
Lifestyle and obsession,
diamond rings get you nothin’ but a lifelong lesson
And your pocketbook stressin’, you're a slave to the system
Workin jobs that you hate, for that shit you don't need
It's too bad the world is based on greed, step back and see
Stop thinkin’ bout yourself, start thinkin’ bout

There's no money,
there's no possession,
only obsession,
I don't need that shit
Take my money,
take my possession,
take my obsession,
I don't need that shit

Cuz everything is nothing, and emptiness is in everything
This reality is really just a fudge up dream
With the flesh and the blood that you call your soul, flip it inside out
It's a big black hole, take your money burn it up like an asteroid
Possessions, they are never gonna fill the void, take it away
And learn the best lesson, the heart, the soul, the life, the passion

There's no money,
there's no possession,
only obsession,
I don't need that shit
Take my money,
take my possession,
take my obsession,
I don't need that shit

present yourself,
press your clothes
Comb your hair,
clock in,
you just can't win,
just can't win
And the things you own, own you now!

Take my money,
take my possession,
take my obsession,
I don't need that shit
fudge your money,
fudge your possession,
fudge your obsession,
I don't need that shit
Money, possession, obsession, I don't need that shit
to live like a tree unique and free,
and like a jungle together and friendly..
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Postby brutalistu » Tue Jan 22, 2008 8:24 am

This was a triumph!
I'm making a note here:

It's hard to overstate
my satisfaction.

Aperture Science:
We do what we must
because we can.

For the good of all of us.
Except the ones who are dead.

But there's no sense crying
over every mistake.
You just keep on trying
till you run out of cake.
And the science gets done.
And you make a neat gun
for the people who are
still alive.

I'm not even angry...
I'm being so sincere right now-
Even though you broke my heart,
and killed me.

And tore me to pieces.
And threw every piece into a fire.
As they burned it hurt because
I was so happy for you!

Now, these points of data
make a beautiful line.
And we're out of beta.
We're releasing on time!
So I'm GLaD I got burned-
Think of all the things we learned-
for the people who are
still alive.

Go ahead and leave me...
I think I'd prefer to stay inside...
Maybe you'll find someone else
to help you?
Maybe Black Mesa?
That was a joke! HAHA!! FAT CHANCE!!

Anyway this cake is great!
It's so delicious and moist!

Look at me: still talking
when there's science to do!
When I look out there,
it makes me GLaD I'm not you.

I've experiments to run.
There is research to be done.
On the people who are
still alive.
And believe me I am
still alive.
I'm doing science and I'm
still alive.
I feel fantastic and I'm
still alive.
While you're dying I'll be
still alive.
And when you're dead I will be
still alive.

Still alive.

Still alive.

Portal - "Still Alive" Credits Song
Mighty fine game lads!
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Postby black » Tue Jan 22, 2008 11:01 pm



This place inside my mind, a place I like to hide
You don't know the chances. What if I should die?!
A place inside my brain, another kind of pain
You don't know the chances. I'm so blind!

Another place I find to escape the pain inside
You don't know the chances. What if I should die?!
A place inside my brain, another kind of pain
You don't know the chances. I'm so blind!

Deeper!.. Deeper!.. Deeper inside me!
To live a life that seems to be a lost reality
That can never find a way to reach.
My inner self
I stand alone!
How deep can I go in the ground that I lay?
If I don't find a way to see through the gray that clouds my mind.
This time I look to see what's between the lines!

I can see, I can see, I'm going blind... [x12]
I'm blind [x4]
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Postby black » Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:36 am

Korn - Last Legal Drug (Le Petite Mort)

Put your hand against your skin
Rub it gently to begin
You feel it?
Can you feel it?
When does pleasure become pain?
When does sex become insane?
You say yes
As you feel it

When you cum
(Be a good girl)
Hold your breathe
(Make it last long)
It's a mess
(it is called)
the little death, girl

So please
When you die could you scream?
Mercy for you and me
Its true
What they say fudge it boy
Love might be the last legal drug
So please
When you cry let it flow
I might
Make you stay, let you go
It's true
What they say fudge it boy
Love might be the last legal drug

Push that one more time that's all
And the rain begins to fall
You feel it?
Can you feel it?
People who ain't seen shit been
Telling you that its a sin
You say it
As you feel it

When you cum
(Be a good girl)
Hold your breathe
(Make it last long)
It's a mess
(it is called)
the little death, girl

Le petite mort
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Postby brutalistu » Thu Feb 14, 2008 4:23 pm


I I I I I I I I I I I I I.

I I I I I I I I I I I I I.


I I I I I.
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Postby black » Sat Feb 23, 2008 9:34 pm

Stab, hack, slash, kill
Stab, hack, slash, kill
Stab, hack, slash, kill
Stab, hack, slash, kill
Die, butcher
Rage of hate
Stab, hack, slash, kill
Stab, hack, slash, kill
Stab, hack, slash, kill
Stab, hack, slash, kill

Kick down the door in barbaric rage
Frantically slashing all who stand in my way
Stab another face, slit another throat
My intention is to mutilate them
People are screaming it feeds my hate
Hack through the crowd blood is splashing on
my face
I only see red, rage exploding
Two knives, one mind, that hate has broken

Stabbing, disfigure, knives puncture
Blood gushing from their wounds
Rivers run deep red
Down faces of people in the room
Bodies are heaping they're dying
In seconds they were slain
Daggers in my hands are killing
This worthless piece of shit

Hate for them still drives my rage
My job is almost finished only one remains
In the corner terrified behind the
grisly slaughter
I'll take my time on this last scum bag
Knife in stomach, he's not dead yet
Carving up his body, gouge his fudge head
Chop off his arms, pull out his guts
No remorse for what I have done

Stabbing, disfigure, knives puncture
Blood gushing from their wounds
Rivers run deep red
Down faces of people in the room
Daggers in my hands are killing
This worthless pieces of shit
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Postby Trey » Thu Feb 28, 2008 6:43 am

MISFITS - Brains!

Brains for dinner, brains for lunch,
brains for breakfast, brains for brunch.
Brains at every single meal why can't we have some guts?

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Brains are all we ever get in this rotten f*cking place!
Brains are all we ever get! Why can't we have a change of pace?

Brains for dinner, brains for lunch,
brains for breakfast, brains for brunch.
Brains at every single meal why can't we have some guts?
Hey! Hey! Why can't we have some guts? Hey! Hey!

Why- can't -we -have -some -bloody -f*cking -guts!?
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Postby duke_link » Thu Feb 28, 2008 5:35 pm

Metalica - One

I cant remember anything
Cant tell if this is true or dream
Deep down inside I feel to scream
This terrible silence stops me

Now that the war is through with me
Im waking up I can not see
That there is not much left of me
Nothing is real but pain now

Hold my breath as I wish for death
Oh please god,wake me

Back in the womb its much too real
In pumps life that I must feel
But cant look forward to reveal
Look to the time when Ill live

Fed through the tube that sticks in me
Just like a wartime novelty
Tied to machines that make me be
Cut this life off from me

Hold my breath as I wish for death
Oh please god,wake me
Now the world is gone Im just one
Oh god,help me hold my breath as I wish for death
Oh please God help me

Darkness imprisoning me
All that I see
Absolute horror
I cannot live
I cannot die
Trapped in myself
Body my holding cell

Landmine has taken my sight
Taken my speech
Taken my hearing
Taken my arms
Taken my legs
Taken my soul
Left me with life in hell
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Postby black » Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:24 pm

Counting On Me - Korn

Why can't you ever back down?
Why can't you just shut your face?
Oh god the feelings I feel
Would get me thrown in a cage.
You're the one who's always screaming at me
I'm the one that keeps your life so care free
What the fudge more do you want me to be?
Why must you do this to me?

Run away, I can't say
Lead the way, make them pay

Counting on me
Always hoping I'll be
There for all of your problems
In turn you're never there for me
You sucked the life out of me
You hate everything you see
I can't take this anymore
I always stay when I should leave

You see the pain in my face
While you keep putting me down
Inside the rage starts to build
You push me
I won't go down
You're the one who's always screaming at me
I'm the one that keeps your life so care free
What the fudge more do you want me to be?
Why must you do this to me?

Run away, I can't stay
Lead the way, make them pay

Counting, on me.
Always hoping I'll be
There for all of your problems
in turn you're never there for me
You sucked the life out of me
You hate everything you see
I can't take this anymore
I always stay when I should leave

Could this really be the day today?
Could this really make our problems go away?
I'm gonna have to doubt this time

I've taken all I can now
You tore us all apart
There is nothing you can do to stop me
Right now! x9

Counting, on me.
Always hoping I'll be
There for all of your problems
In turn you're never there for me
You sucked the life out of me
You hate everything you see
I can't take this anymore
But always stay when I should leave

Counting, on me.
Always hoping I'll be
There for all of your problems
in turn you're never there for me
You sucked the life out of me
You hate everything you see
I can't take this anymore
I always stay when I should leave

Here It Comes Again - Korn

Pounding, it starts again
Hurting, oh where do I begin?
Screaming, they dance around my head
Hoping, they'll maybe end up dead

Feeling it grab hold, what can I say?
Feeling fudge up again (I've got to do this right)
I can't fudge give in (I feel that I can fight)
Can't I ever win (I'll keep it on my mind)
Here it comes again

Silence, it goes away
Patience, oh really should I stay?
Trying so hard to get ahead
Failure is often where I'm lead

Feeling it grab hold, what can I say?
Feeling fudge up again (I've got to do this right)
I can't fudge give in (I feel that I can fight)
Can't I ever win (I'll keep it on my mind)
Here it comes again

Oh, I must hold on
Oh, I won't be gone
Oh, I won't stop now
Oh, I don't know how

Why, I can't hold on
Why, I can't be gone
Why, I can't stop now
Why, I don't know how

Here we go again (again) (x7)

Feeling it grab hold, what can I say?
Feeling fudge up again (I've got to do this right)
I can't fudge give in (I feel that I can fight)
Can't I ever win (I'll keep it on my mind)
Here it comes again

Deep Inside - Korn

I'm not doing great
I feel like I'm dead
Not thinking straight
Inside my body, troubled, full of hate
I had to let it out before it's too late

Deep Inside
It can hide!
Feeling so lost and betrayed
why does this happen to me everytime
Stuck in this place, where I can't escape
Screaming and clawing from deep inside

Why won't it fade
Outside I had to lie; "I'm ok",
I hope someday, I'll stop getting pain
I guess this is a lie, I have made

Deep Inside,
It can hide!
Feeling so lost and betrayed
why does this happen to me everytime
Stuck in this place, where I can't escape
Screaming and clawing from deep inside

What am I doing?
I can't believe this
I have been hiding
Wanting to be less
Giving to people,
They take from me
Always they bringing drama to me

Look at me now

Feeling so lost and betrayed
why does this happen to me everytime
Stuck in this place, where I can't escape
Screaming and clawing from deep inside

I can't stand all of this fudge Pain!
Please god just go away!
Please god just make them pay...
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