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Hello :)

Postby Dynamo128 » Sun Apr 07, 2013 9:24 pm

Hi! I'm Dynamo128, I've used this site various times in the past and it's probably the best on the internet when it comes to FPS games, plenty of good material :) If you've been on some other communities such as underground-gamer you may know me already, but glad to be on board nonetheless :)

My favorite games are 90s old shooters - Doom, Duke Nukem 3D etc. I'm sort of a collector when it comes to games like this and always looking for new ones of that type. 3DSL and UG are the best when it comes to that. I also really like arcade and other action games of most kinds, as well as oldschool RTS games in the vein of command & conquer.

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Re: Hello :)

Postby Scaryfun » Sun Apr 07, 2013 9:55 pm

:welcome: aboard, you'll find plenty of oldschool shooters here. We try and document every title known and have downloads for almost all of them. So, enjoy!
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Re: Hello :)

Postby Shattered » Mon Apr 08, 2013 5:31 am

Welcome to the site. Have a good time.
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Re: Hello :)

Postby hfric » Mon Apr 08, 2013 10:20 pm

:welcome: hehe UG , how is ug by the way ? did they still use they retarded Internal Rule system "Dont scare off game collectors that Upload things" "Don't Write anything in the comments about the games they upload to not scare them off" "Don't question they uploads even if they are faulty and not working"

retardnes at its best , one day i said to some one there by the name Furcifer that uploaded a digital Freeware game ... and the whole UG community went down on me like rabid dogs there ... 3 year old account in one day got three warnings 1 for avatar , 1 for comment that a was freeware game , 1 for talking back to a mod that banned me... LOL Xerxes just lulzed and pmed me about this and they internal rules system before my ban [he is my friend back when French Kiss existed]
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Re: Hello :)

Postby Scaryfun » Mon Apr 08, 2013 11:30 pm

Ouch, pretty harsh. :shock:
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