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PROJECT MINERVA (requesting info)

Postby annoyment » Wed Sep 09, 2015 8:57 am

As the title says, I would like to ask a few questions regarding this game (no ISO please, just answers :)), and all are mostly based on release and compatibility lol. Yes I know it's a PS2-exclusive semi-dumb budget title, but I have my personal reasons for digging into it sometime in the future, once I get me a PS2. So here goes:

1. Okay, this may be kind of lame, but clears out confusion quite effectively. So, has the initial version of Project Minerva (as in not Professional xD) ever been released outside Japan (I know MIDAS hasn't, just bumping if there was anyone else)?
2. What ARE the differences between the initial and Professional anyway? Haven't found out any kind of list or wiki to clarify :(...
3. Are there ANY GameShark codes for the Japanese releases of both versions? And if so, is there at least ONE for the 50Hz mode?
4. Any relation of the game to this (just in case, not interested in the pachinko, obviously xD)?

And that's all I could think of, I'll update this post with new discrepancies if I think of any :mrgreen: ...

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Re: PROJECT MINERVA (requesting info)

Postby hfric » Wed Sep 09, 2015 3:36 pm

1. No, Simple Series was only released in Japan.
2. The full original name is Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Volume 23 Project Minerva , a collection of indie games for 2000 yen . After the success of MGS2 a updated version was made, called Project Minerva Professional (see this as free AGS games remade into full retail remaster) . Midas the king of crap games on PS2 just translated this better looking version .
3. You force it , even 60hz or even 1080p .
4. Hentai paper back ... use your imagination .

Why not just run this through an emulator , 97% of games work fine with it .
An when you do get a PS2 get Component Cables .
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Re: PROJECT MINERVA (requesting info)

Postby annoyment » Wed Sep 09, 2015 6:09 pm

hfric wrote:1. No, Simple Series was only released in Japan.

NOPE back to you, the game got released twice in Japan before a third release being with the SIMPLE label. Case in point, click here. And read the katakana off your pic, it's also Pro :mrgreen: !
hfric wrote:2. The full original name is Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Volume 23 Project Minerva , a collection of indie games for 2000 yen . After the success of MGS2 a updated version was made, called Project Minerva Professional (see this as free AGS games remade into full retail remaster) . Midas the king of crap games on PS2 just translated this better looking version .

Apart from the first sentence being disproved, are there any sources that verify your claim? That Pro was just a graphics boost? Seen somewhere else that it may have also been stabilized more from the initial version in terms of difficulty, but that's a hear-say. Thus, as said before, I am asking for a detailed list as said in the initial post. As for the last sentence I can only confirm :). And that should mean that the first question is off the map, yippie...
hfric wrote:3. You force it , even 60hz or even 1080p .

I don't have an HD TV set in home, but like I care much about that, happy with SD lol. Although the set also supports 60Hz, I have my personal reasons on a technical level for preferring 50Hz (one being easier for editing without having to downsample the initial footage to a required framerate, currently too dumb in doing it myself :(, the other being a "staunch" Yugoslav Serb :twisted: ). So 576i is the way for me, thus I'm asking the said question...
hfric wrote:4. Hentai paper back ... use your imagination .

Uhhh, "young adult" stuff doesn't generally mean it has pr0n, moreover it probably means the themes are such that they should suit to (but don't) the likes of us (except that we should be Japs, or at least Weaboos for that, in which I'm neither), plus there would be a lot of comedic elements (AS IN PROBABLY GOING ALL KAWAII AND MOE AND STUFF :x , sorry, had to vent myself). In short, commercially supposed fanboyism genre. I know that because I've been getting lost on YT digging for JP CM VHS rips at times, don't ask. As for this one it's a light novel, which reads to more reading (xD) than picture. Case in point, click here. And with that I don't want it anymore, yes it has connections with the game but it's probably a semi-alternate-gaiden thing made for the purpose of being such, aka fanboyism fuel :(. Plus not in the mood for moonspeak, let alone that much of it...
hfric wrote:Why not just run this through an emulator , 97% of games work fine with it .
An when you do get a PS2 get Component Cables .

Me laptop is weak for that, probably due to setting it up badly, but since I'm actually getting the real thing (slim SCPH-7?002, me thinks), I'm no longer bothering lol. And my set only has SCART and AV, so that will be a waste of dough...

Also I've just realized this is the wrong section for this discussion. Now how does one move the thread lol (in this case, to Console FPS Games, even though it's a TPS, with only an first-person targeting mode xD)?
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Re: PROJECT MINERVA (requesting info)

Postby hfric » Thu Sep 10, 2015 2:16 am

you force it by Xploder or its clones ... when you get a PS2 get the FAT version , insert a 500gig FAT32 hdd , run MCboot and your set ... if you get a slim be ready for a land of HURT ... no HDD , forced to use USB 1.1 (or do a NAS with its 100mb network adapter) , Laser ribbon has temperature memory making silver cycle scratches after 5 months of use , you can Chip it (but its not recommended if you don't do a laser protector ) , only a MCboot is recommended on those slims

and why did you ask for this, when his blog had all your answers , he even speaks about the comparisons and other stuff you asked

and this game releases are fracked more then Dragons Lair ... first the game came , then a remake with 10 side ops and new graphics , then it was picked up by D3 and came to SS , then D3 pushed for an English version and sold it to Midas ... then then again is Japan , so its NORMAL :lol:
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Re: PROJECT MINERVA (requesting info)

Postby annoyment » Thu Sep 10, 2015 7:01 am

hfric wrote:you force it by Xploder or its clones ... when you get a PS2 get the FAT version , insert a 500gig FAT32 hdd , run MCboot and your set ... if you get a slim be ready for a land of HURT ... no HDD , forced to use USB 1.1 (or do a NAS with its 100mb network adapter) , Laser ribbon has temperature memory making silver cycle scratches after 5 months of use , you can Chip it (but its not recommended if you don't do a laser protector ) , only a MCboot is recommended on those slims

Thanks for noting about Xploder and MCBoot, will try those as well as Swap Magic when I get it. And no, I'll only have the said model, which is already okay in running backup DVDs (and I don't feel much hurt for having to do replacements, or having no HDD :)). Regarding USB I think I can learn to live with that eventually. As for PS1 backups that would be an issue, but I think I'm on the right track...
hfric wrote:and why did you ask for this, when his blog had all your answers , he even speaks about the comparisons and other stuff you asked

Whoa, didn't noticed that (senior moments :lol: ), have just been using the link as an image reference, :thanks: for that...
hfric wrote:and this game releases are fracked more then Dragons Lair ... first the game came , then a remake with 10 side ops and new graphics , then it was picked up by D3 and came to SS , then D3 pushed for an English version and sold it to Midas ... then then again is Japan , so its NORMAL :lol:

Thus all the confusion has been cleared up - nothing else to answer for! Now to learn how to use the exploits in the first place, and all will go smooth! Please lock this thread if you may, dear based god...

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Re: PROJECT MINERVA (requesting info)

Postby hfric » Sat Sep 12, 2015 6:28 pm

IF you need more information about PS2 workarounds , just ask .
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