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Resident Evil 3: Restoration Project (PC, PSX) (Release)

Postby kalash49 » Wed Apr 13, 2016 10:33 am

Resident Evil 3: Restoration Project

From being a simple idea of moving fullscreen videos from the SourceNext game into vanilla version,
the project has gradually got to the stage of a considerable visual and technical overhaul in order to enhance
many of the game aspects. It is worth mentioning, that only original HQ resources, created by Capcom itself,
were used to achieve the current result. This project has nothing to do with mods, it is rather a restoration of
in-game features, which include the following:

1. A huge amount of work has been done to replace narrow video cutscenes with fullscreen HQ video
from Sourcenext version, which required us to remove Japanese subtitles manually from every single frame.

Image Image

One note: The FMV in this project presented in their original speed just like they are in most versions of this game on PS, DC, PC - 15 fps vs. 30 fps in the SourceNext edition.
We had to go for this limit in order to reduce the number of frames for manual cleaning. Besides, to my taste, the 15 FPS version looks more spectacular at this speed.
30 fps add too much smoothness to this fmv which doesn't fit with the general ambiance of the game's cinematics.

2. The original low quality soundtrack has been replaced with Lossless version taken from game’s official OST.

3. The English voiceover was replaced with its PSX version, because of a higher bitrate.

4. The original music playback was fully restored. Some melodies that were muted before can be played again, besides an incorrect
playback of some melodies was fixed to loop smoothly. All credits to RhymeKidder and Lexas87.

5. The in-game text was centered for comfortable reading.

6. Some of the pre-rendered backgrounds were replaced with HQ ones that were found inside game
files but were left out by developers for no reason.

7. A few bugs were fixed in cutscenes and in-game locations.

8. The game now has full support of XBOX 360 controllers, so you don't need to configure anything
(thanks to Lexas87) .

9. Flying head bug was finally fixed in PC version (thanks to RhymeKidder, myloch).

10. You might soon have an opportunity to enjoy a fully restored graphics in the PC version of the game,
so stay tuned and keep following the news.

This patch supports any game version including SourceNext, but
keep in mind that it turns any game version in common USA edition.

I would like to present you the outcome of our long and hard work that my team and I were doing for over a year and a half.
It is about one of my favorite games - Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, which was the first one introducing me to the world of this brilliant franchise.
As I tried different versions of the game, looking for advantages and disadvantages present in each of them, I was hooked up on a feeling that
developers have created a sort of puzzle quest for their players, because practically every version of the game had its own unique features that
were not present on other platforms. Thus, the PSX version has the best VO quality, Dreamcast game can make boast of its HQ background sound
effects (shooting, zombie moans, step sounds etc.), while PC version is the worst in terms of its music, sounds, and video quality, but the SourceNext
edition came out with video quality improved. Another advantage of PC version is its modding flexibility, which became the final argument in favor
of using it as a platform for our project.

Video Demonstration:

In the next version:

Official Project Page:
* I can post here more download links, if administration of this forum allows me.

PSX Fullscreen Movies Patch:
* This PPF patch brings fullscreen SourceNext movies + Flying head fix in PSX RE3 USA version.

• Image for patching: Standard SLUS_0923 Redump image

• MD5 values:

Source image: 03CCF2F717DAD9168640F518DD4E3E80
Result image: 2CC9B885B312AF56390C69A724785ADD

PSX fullscreen movie hack author: Brill
Flying head fix author: RhymeKidder

Video cleaning team:
(per frame Japanese subtitles cleaning)

Viktor Volkov
Yevgeny Lychany (aka Johnny Doe)
Anastasia Zhukova

This patch may be redistributed at other sites only
if all the above information is specified.

* If you have serious intentions about adaptations of this improvements for different language version
(PC or PSX), feel free to to appeal your proposals directly to me.
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Re: Resident Evil 3: Restoration Project (PC, PSX) (Release)

Postby myloch » Wed Apr 13, 2016 10:46 am

Interesting project, how did you fix polygons jerking?

You should ask to rhymekidder about uncensor part, he did the majority of work.
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Re: Resident Evil 3: Restoration Project (PC, PSX) (Release)

Postby kalash49 » Wed Apr 13, 2016 11:22 am

In the next version video I used Gamecube version and Dolphin emu for demonstration of how our work will be look like,
that's because for now we don't have an opportunity for texture replacing in PC version, but we have technology, and we working on it.
About polygons jerking in PC version, a small chance to fix this issue still exist, for now it's hard to say more definitely.
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Re: Resident Evil 3: Restoration Project (PC, PSX) (Release)

Postby annoyment » Wed Apr 13, 2016 3:07 pm

Stellar work people, really appreciating it, although not without needing to have a say for a few things :D
1. Would the issue where the FMVs not" exiting" back to gameplay after finishing playback be resolved (as in on its own, without interrupting, which is disabled with the ending FMVs)? Wouldn't like having to still use the workaround of un-checking "Play movie"...
2. Also will this patch have to be applied to the extracted files of the PC version or is the ROFS (DAT resource archive) re-packer in the works? Madly curious about that one (especially after the hospital decap scene has been fixed) :-x
3. And lastly, must congratulate you on almost-spotless work on FMV hardsub removal (unlike the lazy job done on doing nothing about that when Incubus, the weird Esperanto horror film, was restored :lol: ), but gonna have to complain about the down-sampled frame-rate due to damaging the "purity" of its source(s), but this is just a complaint, no need to further step-up the pace for some bragging (also is it just me or has the compression been fudged, dunno) :)
And that's all fortunately, hope you wrap this project up, I also grew up with RE3 first and would like to revisit it with such an enhanced experience. :thanks: again...
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Re: Resident Evil 3: Restoration Project (PC, PSX) (Release)

Postby RhymeKidder » Wed Apr 13, 2016 3:13 pm

That's a lot of heavy lifting work you finished. ;)

It's okay for anyone to re-use -every-thing I do/write/release/a-yup (with)out credit.

Japan difficulty mode exe source
Code: Select all
.text:00425520                      sub_425520      proc near               ; CODE XREF: sub_463AA0p
.text:00425520                                                              ; sub_4708F0:loc_470CB1p ...

; get region code: 'u', 'j', 'e', 'i', 'a', ..
.text:00425520 E8 3B 00 00 00                       call    sub_425560
.text:00425525 3C 6A                                cmp     al, 6Ah
.text:00425527 75 0C                                jnz     short loc_425535

.text:00425560 B0 65                                mov     al, 65h  'e' = europe
.text:00425562 C3                                   retn

japan - arrange mode
.text:00425529 A1 60 27 A6 00                       mov     eax, dword_A62760
.text:0042552E 85 C0                                test    eax, eax
.text:00425530 75 03                                jnz     short loc_425535

japan only difficulty
.text:00425532 33 C0                                xor     eax, eax
.text:00425534 C3                                   retn
.text:00425535                      ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00425535                      loc_425535:                             ; CODE XREF: sub_425520+7j
.text:00425535                                                              ; sub_425520+10j

extra difficulty
.text:00425535 B8 01 00 00 00                       mov     eax, 1
.text:0042553A C3                                   retn

Exe checks this return value and adjusts damage values.

Someone else made a mod that gave boutique access in PC - R10F, R106, R121 were touched. It also needed an exe edit to give you the store key. I don't know how scripting codes worked to force bypass key requirement (always door unlocked).

For uncensoring PSX games, I imagine it uses very similar trick of hard-coded region letter.

RISC should use some similar values like 202030h - that'd be a an instant clue in the disasm logs. I'm not sure if psx exe is compressed (from memory).

Code: Select all
kick decap

.text:004CDCA0 80 8E CE 01 00 00 80                 or      byte ptr [esi+1CEh], 80h
.text:004CDCA7 EB 2F                                jmp     short loc_4CDCD8
.text:004CDCA9                      ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:004CDCA9                      loc_4CDCA9:                             ; CODE XREF: sub_4CD800+49Ej

kick censor

.text:004CDCA9 8B 86 08 01 00 00                    mov     eax, [esi+108h]
.text:004CDCAF 8A 96 20 01 00 00                    mov     dl, [esi+120h]
.text:004CDCB5 05 BC 00 00 00                       add     eax, 0BCh
.text:004CDCBA 80 CA 01                             or      dl, 1
.text:004CDCBD 88 96 20 01 00 00                    mov     [esi+120h], dl
.text:004CDCC3 80 88 A2 00 00 00 04                 or      byte ptr [eax+0A2h], 4
.text:004CDCCA C7 40 74 40 00 00 00                 mov     dword ptr [eax+74h], 40h
.text:004CDCD1 C7 40 78 30 20 20 00                 mov     dword ptr [eax+78h], 202030h

Debugging PC game is hard so I can imagine pulling out vibration values from SourceNext would be difficult. I used VMWare's savestates to carefully re-step many times (frame by frame animation) until I got near the areas I wanted (zombie, hunter decaps).

Have to check my hdd if I have RE3 SourceNext still around.

:thanks: for stopping by. Please ask again if something was muddy.
Last edited by RhymeKidder on Wed Apr 13, 2016 8:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Resident Evil 3: Restoration Project (PC, PSX) (Release)

Postby myloch » Wed Apr 13, 2016 3:19 pm

annoyment wrote:is the ROFS (DAT resource archive) re-packer in the works? Madly curious about that one (especially after the hospital decap scene has been fixed) :-x

Madly interested about this since that's the only flaw in the uncensor patch imho: you need to unpack specific rofs file and edit ini file to uncensor part of the game, and this sucks.
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Re: Resident Evil 3: Restoration Project (PC, PSX) (Release)

Postby RhymeKidder » Wed Apr 13, 2016 3:43 pm

Oh wait. You're asking about Carlos hunter head decap for Japan-only exe?

Code: Select all
.text:004C53C6 8B 96 08 01 00 00                    mov     edx, [esi+108h]
.text:004C53CC C6 86 E6 01 00 00 01                 mov     byte ptr [esi+1E6h], 1
.text:004C53D3 53                                   push    ebx
.text:004C53D4 6A 46                                push    46h
.text:004C53D6 C7 82 7C 08 00 00 70+                mov     dword ptr [edx+87Ch], 202070h
.text:004C53E0 8B 86 08 01 00 00                    mov     eax, [esi+108h]
.text:004C53E6 C7 80 38 09 00 00 75+                mov     dword ptr [eax+938h], 303075h
.text:004C53F0 8B 8E 08 01 00 00                    mov     ecx, [esi+108h]
.text:004C53F6 C7 81 F4 09 00 00 75+                mov     dword ptr [ecx+9F4h], 282875h
.text:004C5400 E8 9B E6 F9 FF                       call    sub_463AA0


eu = A5CD38 --> [a5ce3c] -> 71853c + 15E -> 71869a
jpn = [a5be9c] -> 7173dc + 15E -> 71753A

; [*] hunter head cut - not in Japan builds
.text:004C5405 8B 0D 3C CE A5 00                    mov     ecx, dword_A5CE3C
.text:004C5442 81 C1 BC 00 00 00                    add     ecx, 0BCh
.text:004C5451 66 89 99 A2 00 00 00                 mov     [ecx+0A2h], bx

I had to find room in the Japan exe to shove the extra code in. But it resembles the above 3 lines. You do not need this for US/EU builds.
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Re: Resident Evil 3: Restoration Project (PC, PSX) (Release)

Postby RhymeKidder » Wed Apr 13, 2016 7:20 pm

Did a tracelog on a psx game.

Code: Select all
80104f7c : 924300C9  LBU     00000005 (v1), 00c9 (801211ec (s2)) [801212b5]
80104f80 : 00000000  NOP   
80104f84 : 14620015  BNE     00000001 (v1), 0000001c (v0), 80104fdc,
80104f88 : 2404000A  ADDIU   00000ca5 (a0), 00000000 (r0), 000a (10),

; note: only pc checks region code here

; censor kick

80104f8c : 3C060020  LUI     00000000 (a2), 0020 (32),
80104f90 : 34C62030  ORI     00200000 (a2), 00200000 (a2), 2030 (8240),
80104f94 : 02402821  ADDU    00000000 (a1), 801211ec (s2), 00000000 (r0),
80104f98 : 8E430108  LW      0000001c (v1), 0108 (801211ec (s2)) [801212f4]
80104f9c : 92420120  LBU     0000001c (v0), 0120 (801211ec (s2)) [8012130c]
80104fa0 : 246800BC  ADDIU   00000000 (t0), 801504f4 (v1), 00bc (188),
80104fa4 : 34420001  ORI     00000001 (v0), 00000001 (v0), 0001 (1),
80104fa8 : A2420120  SB      00000001 (v0), 0120 (801211ec (s2)) [8012130c]
80104fac : 950300A2  LHU     801504f4 (v1), 00a2 (801505b0 (t0)) [80150652]
80104fb0 : 24020040  ADDIU   00000001 (v0), 00000000 (r0), 0040 (64),
80104fb4 : AD020074  SW      00000040 (v0), 0074 (801505b0 (t0)) [80150624]
80104fb8 : AD060078  SW      00202030 (a2), 0078 (801505b0 (t0)) [80150628]

Look into switching out the code later.
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Re: Resident Evil 3: Restoration Project (PC, PSX) (Release)

Postby kalash49 » Wed Apr 13, 2016 11:46 pm

1. I never experienced such issue in PC version, especially with this patch. I tested FMV playing from that work on many systems and everything works fine without any lagging.

2. You don't have to do anything, just install this patch on any game version, everything else is already done.

3. 15 fps frame rate in movies it's their original speed, 30 fps only in SN version and I'm afraid
we would never have finished this job because of a two-fold increase in the number of frames to redraw manually in 30 fps movies.
Besides, for me 30 fps fmv looks too smothly, like a old VHS home video, I think they lost their cinematic in this speed. However, if you
like such movies you can convert them in 30 fps by using modern video editors.

, thanks for your information, that's very interesting, but I'm not so powerful enough in coding, I'll try to show this to someone from my team.
By the way, that boutique mod is very unsafe, cause if you choice nonstandard costume in main menu before game starting and then change it in boutique the game will crash
in tramway, you can use only standard costume from main menu and only in that case boutique clothes works fine, I have this mod but I don't know how to fix this.
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Re: Resident Evil 3: Restoration Project (PC, PSX) (Release)

Postby RhymeKidder » Thu Apr 14, 2016 12:06 am

Cooked up a way to uncensor head kicks in ps1. They use many overlays so it requires lots of replacements (per room basically). I'll have to locate the mercs knee crusher to get the other half done.
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Re: Resident Evil 3: Restoration Project (PC, PSX) (Release)

Postby hfric » Thu Apr 14, 2016 12:55 am

great work guys , but you know this game will be remastered after part 2 (that will be out in 2016 q4) ... and you will receive the same C&D letter that the previous remake team got (that was behind the fixing Biohazard 2 to be more HD like)
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Re: Resident Evil 3: Restoration Project (PC, PSX) (Release)

Postby RhymeKidder » Thu Apr 14, 2016 1:38 am

I guess PS1 Mercs have zombie knee crush intact despite the 202030h thing. So this is for PS1 Jill's head kick - it might work any region (not just usa).

Rename your bin/iso to re3.bin and run tool.

Nice work on the psx video remaster. Having those "aspect" black bars gone makes the cinematics more alive.
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Re: Resident Evil 3: Restoration Project (PC, PSX) (Release)

Postby kalash49 » Thu Apr 14, 2016 3:57 am

RhymeKidder, amazing work, it will be awesome update for PSX patch, big thanks to you.
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Re: Resident Evil 3: Restoration Project (PC, PSX) (Release)

Postby kalash49 » Thu Apr 14, 2016 11:17 am

Fixed video links in first post, it's been two identical links. Watch Video Demonstration if you didn't see it before, it's a full overview of all patch improvements.
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Re: Resident Evil 3: Restoration Project (PC, PSX) (Release)

Postby RhymeKidder » Fri Apr 15, 2016 3:13 am

Looked into OST playback bug.

As a test, replaced chapel music [MAIN2D] with "1-09 - Free From Fear" OST (1st save room music).

Code: Select all
usa restoration exe - residentevil3.exe

004096B2 - 8B 4E 0C              - mov ecx,[esi+0C]
004096B5 - 8D 44 24 10           - lea eax,[esp+10]
004096B9 - 50                    - push eax
004096BA - 57                    - push edi
004096BB - 8B 11                 - mov edx,[ecx]
004096BD - FF 52 3C              - call dword ptr [edx+3C]

sound buffer size  [game: 5595a8h]
- note: 19f4dbch = OST 1-09 - Free From Fear.wav

004096C0 - 8B 44 24 20           - mov eax,[esp+20]
004096C4 - 85 C0                 - test eax,eax
004096C6 - 7E 69                 - jle 00409731

sound size vs play cursor
004096C8 - 3B 44 24 10           - cmp eax,[esp+10]
004096CC - 7D 63                 - jnl 00409731

abort - play cursor exceeded sound buffer
- this should never happen normally  (unless game uses a LOOPING buffer somewhere)

004096CE - 8B 4E 0C              - mov ecx,[esi+0C]
004096D1 - 57                    - push edi
004096D2 - 8B 11                 - mov edx,[ecx]
004096D4 - FF 52 14              - call dword ptr [edx+14]
004096D7 - 8B 4E 0C              - mov ecx,[esi+0C]
004096DA - 53                    - push ebx

You could force "jmp 409731" @ 4096cc (EB 63). OST track plays full 02:34 length and has fade-out at end plus correct restarts.

If one wonders where this sound size is computed

Code: Select all

; buffer length here

; note: this value = hard-coded in exe
; ex. chapel @ 5152dc = 2acad4 * 2 = 5595a8

004257B3 - 8B 46 0C              - mov eax,[esi+0C]
004257B6 - D1 E0                 - shl eax,1
004257B8 - 89 47 10              - mov [edi+10],eax

004257BB - 83 C6 10              - add esi,10 { 16 }
004257BE - 83 C7 18              - add edi,18 { 24 }
004257C1 - 43                    - inc ebx
004257C2 - 83 FB 03              - cmp ebx,03 { 3 }
004257C5 - 0F8C 76FFFFFF         - jl 00425741

ATM, you could either
(a) Force jmp and assume game never uses a looping buffer. Judging from forced abort code, it looks like never used. Just 1-time sound buffers.

(b) Edit all exe hard-coded sound buffer sizes to a very large value like 3FFFFFFFh
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