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Spec Ops II w/ 3DFX Glide black screen

Postby _Antithesis_ » Thu Sep 21, 2017 5:25 pm

I sort of already stated all the information below in the comments of this video, (in the comment chain that starts with talking about the Conflict games), but I'm going to flesh it out a lot better here, so here goes.

I downloaded the Platinum edition version of the game from here, of course, and installed it (after taking a bit to realise that the setup wouldn’t launch if I had Opera open… for some reason. Weird), choosing the Voodoo installation so that I could use 3DFX Glide. So I go to start it up via the beret.exe. It tells me that it can’t launch because it’s missing d3drm.dll. I have no idea why the 3DFX Glide version of the game is asking for Direct 3D’s “Retained Mode,” but whatever, I eventually take the .dll from the game’s disk and throw it into the game’s folder first, but only after trying out the opbravo.exe, which launches. I get the screen flashing a few times (the first, I’m sure, being it switching the resolution of my screen to around 800x600), as though the game’s window is fighting against the OS to not be minimised, before settling on a black screen. No sound, no response to controls, nothing. Task Manager tells me it isn’t responding, so I close it.

At this point, I put the d3drm.dll into the directory and try starting beret.exe again. It switches my monitor’s resolution, as expected, without any further flashing, then just sits at a black screen, so I close it too. That it isn’t working off the bat doesn’t bother me, because I *did* install the Voodoo version of the game and my more modern computer certainly doesn’t have a Glide card installed. The curious thing I *did* notice is that no Glide3x.dll was in the game’s folder for the game to use, but I’m not as familiar with how games use Glide as opposed to DirectX, so whatever. (Interestingly, while all the D3D files are on the game’s disk, plain as day, I couldn’t find any .dlls for Glide.) So I grabbed the Glide .dlls from my dgVoodoo folder and threw them into the game’s directory. No change on beret.exe, but the opbravo.exe does give me the 3DFX startup screen… before doing the same thing it did before. If nothing else, this makes me wonder why beret.exe didn’t respond to the 3DFX startup screen, and why only it, as opposed to the opbravo.exe, needed the d3drm.dll. It seems almost as though the base game is supposed to be D3D, while the expansion isn’t, which doesn’t make any sense. I also tried running in different compatibility modes and as administrator. No change. So then I tried nGlide, making sure to even replace dgVoodoo’s .dlls with nGlide’s. No change.

Then, I downloaded UberLamer's version from this thread, ran the setup.bat, and was faced with the same black screen issue. So I decided to move the d3drm.dll to my appropriate system folder, just to see if it made any difference. I try UberLamer’s beret.exe and… It works... if really strangely, with exiting the game loading me into a level, and with the mouse cursor constantly moving somewhat downward to the point of making the game unplayable... along with the controls screen not working most of the time, either by not scrolling or by giving gibberish options when it DOES scroll. But, I mean, it loads. It plays and I can move around and whatnot. The problem… this is the Direct 3D version, which is uglier, and like I said, it’s still unplayable. Still, at least it starts. That’s something… but that’s as far as I could get, because despite the d3drm.dll in the system folder making a change for UberLamer’s version, nothing changed on the other installs (oh, yeah, I tried installing the base game and expansion using their original releases, too. No difference). And now I’m just frustrated, because I really want this damnable thing to work.

If anyone could help me figure this stupid thing out, I’d be very, very appreciative.
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Re: Spec Ops II w/ 3DFX Glide black screen

Postby hfric » Thu Sep 21, 2017 11:53 pm

Trying to help you found out this game has a Patch 1.2 that fixed the 3DFX support for this game and a Special Texture pack ... the file name was , the texture pack ... dunno ... you need the Direct Texture pack 1.2 and 1.2 Voodoo patch

give it a try
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Re: Spec Ops II w/ 3DFX Glide black screen

Postby hfric » Thu Sep 21, 2017 11:55 pm

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Re: Spec Ops II w/ 3DFX Glide black screen

Postby _Antithesis_ » Fri Sep 22, 2017 12:23 am

I didn't think to try out any patches, but only because I figured the Platinum edition would be fully updated. Nonetheless, I'll give these patches a try. Hopefully they'll fix things up. Give me just a bit.
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Re: Spec Ops II w/ 3DFX Glide black screen

Postby _Antithesis_ » Fri Sep 22, 2017 12:49 am

Huh. Well, the beret.exe didn't seem to be affected (and I pulled the Voodoo .exe from the CD just to be sure it was, in fact, the 3DFX version), and the opbravo.exe starts out in 1920x1080 for the 3DFX startup screen, as configured in nGlide, only to switch, again, to 800x600, after flashing the screen a few times. And then black screen.

Man, I wish I had a crash log right about now.
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Re: Spec Ops II w/ 3DFX Glide black screen

Postby user43687 » Fri Sep 22, 2017 8:52 am

My v1.1.1 upload did fix quite a few issues but not all it seems. I mainly tested it on a Windows7 x64 machine, where it didn't run before. Exactly like yourself I came here to download the platinum edition but it didn't run at all, black screen ...

I started searching for your problem and found this reddit: , it has a topic 'SpecOps 2 MYTH edition fails to run (black screen)' , but this is what it says:

Hey guys, well, if you have the black screen problem just as I had, the solution is quite easy. I've always played the MYTH version, which now seems to be non fully functional and accesible, but that's another story. Myth released v1.2 of SpecOps, the binaries of v1.2 fail to load on modern day systems, while the original v1.0 and v1.1.1 do run perfectly! As a fan of the game (and tactical shooters in general) I've got the original game disc a few times. This allowed me to install it and patch it to v1.1.1, and now it runs!

I would be nice to have a 3DFX emulated version, Nglide does work well on some old XP system I had years ago. Maybe we can get this fixed ...

And yes, you are right about v1.2, it's the platinum edition with all levelpacks and 1.2 patches.
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Re: Spec Ops II w/ 3DFX Glide black screen

Postby _Antithesis_ » Fri Sep 22, 2017 1:18 pm

Wait, so I take it that means 3DFX support isn't working in v1.1.1? I'll nonetheless try it in a few minutes, but I have to imagine there's a way of getting this to work.
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Re: Spec Ops II w/ 3DFX Glide black screen

Postby _Antithesis_ » Fri Sep 22, 2017 2:38 pm

Well, that v1.1.1 patch worked about as well as expected. So not at all. :P
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