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Unreal: Incomplete or incorrectly listed entry

Postby BentonQuest » Wed May 13, 2020 10:30 am

Game: Unreal
Archive Listing: Unreal Gold GOG Digital ISO Demo v2.0.0.6 + Maps, Docs, Mods, Pre-Release demos, S3TC Textures 223MB

A 2015 entry, hgdagon listed it as:

Unreal Gold GOG Digital ISO Demo v2.0.0.6 + Maps, Docs, Mods, Pre-Release demos, S3TC Textures 223MB

... however there's a couple of things wrong there ;)

When you actually jump to the server-location given, firstly there's actually no trace of the Unreal Gold demo installer (260 MB worth) to be found, and secondly the actual archive size without the missing GoG pack is a whopping 5.62 GB of maps, mods & textures!

Sure, finding GoG's Unreal Gold elsewhere isn't too difficult these days (even an older one listed earlier on the Unreal page) but I thought you might want to correct the entry for this particular listing.

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Re: Unreal: Incomplete or incorrectly listed entry  Topic is solved

Postby Scaryfun » Thu May 14, 2020 3:58 am

Ok, fixed description. Some of hgdagon's uploads had the main games removed but all the extra content is still there.
I think i only posted the size of the GOG release before as the host didn't give the size totals in each folder before so it was too much to add by hand.
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