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Terra 6: Mission Super I.Q.

Postby hfric » Fri Dec 25, 2020 6:11 pm

How i love Dos games that needed to edit your main config files to work (config.sys)... like Synergyst that needed a special memory handle , finally playable after a special dosbox version made special for this game only ...

Now back to this game , its yet another of those "Games" how do i love them ...
one to make this game boot
the other to make this game have sound

so a normal way of playing this in dosbox is a no no ... following the
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got me to the "Big Red Adventure" aka "Nippon Safes 2" game that needed the same settings to make the sound and movies work (not the game itself , crazy aye) ... the solution was "hey man,we heard you like DOS , so lets Do DOS in DOS" aka mounting a HDD img with DOS 6.22 installed that had all the needed settings ... thats not how Dosbox should work , since this is a workaround

So now lets see how other people worked on this solution ... *going into biff emporium and grabbing a ready made Big Red Adventure pack* , then just retro fit it to make it work with this ... ONE GAME ... just like with Synergist , or Rocket Science FMV engine games ...
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Re: Terra 6: Mission Super I.Q.

Postby hfric » Tue Jan 26, 2021 1:04 am

Some good and bad news ...
Good... made it work ... you have to run this game in PCem 1.7 with Dos installed , install it and then the game will by auto changing the HIMEM.SYS and EMM386.EXE settings in the config.sys file ... dosbox can fake EMM386.EXE calls but getting HIMEM.SYS to reserve 128kb is awful , you could do it but you have to run DOS in DOS ... aka, do a HDD image of DOS and mount it in DOSBOX but well its messy and can corrupt the HDD image

Bad .. our dump is Bad since after the intro and your first few screens on the space station when you get to Level 2 ... aka move just 4 screens , this game "jumps with a error message" that One file is missing , its on the CD but it seems its corrupted ... you can go around that by NOT TURNING RIGHT at screen 4 ... aka , when you start this game you click on the Elevator panel , Click UP , then DON'T TURN RIGHT , click the door to get out of the hangar and the game then runs fine ... dunno about getting back to the same place , since if you click on your space ship (we you start) you can Transfer and Receive Codes ... in your quest of finding 17 crystals

And in Another news... after a workaround , like getting a fracking dos debugger and reconstructing the main exe file , game can work form HDD ... but still that one file ... can it be faked with another one , could be... since this game only reads names but hot spots could be broken

Will do a video like always ... presenting this German Gem
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Re: Terra 6: Mission Super I.Q.

Postby Hans_Wurst » Sat Jan 30, 2021 11:10 pm

The game works with DOSBox-X without any special settings if you set the xms handles high enough. I can even turn right after using the elevator. :up:
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Re: Terra 6: Mission Super I.Q.

Postby hfric » Tue Feb 02, 2021 4:34 am

Hans_Wurst wrote:The game works with DOSBox-X without any special settings if you set the xms handles high enough. I can even turn right after using the elevator. :up:
you mean in 0.83.10 it is , that was released on February 1 2021 :lol:

At lest it is a good alternative to Daum, that takes all the solutions that Daum created and added more on top of it .

but no matter what, the dump is bad... since it freaks out in DBX on random scene files, at lest in PCem it loaded all those except one file but with some kind corruption since you could fake this one file (nearly completed this game on PCem ,when on DBX it crashes randomly with fake corruption messages). Have to dwell on it deeper.
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