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Star Wars Dark Forces (1995) OpenGL Port ???

Postby hurenBock » Sun Jan 15, 2006 9:34 am

is there a OpenGL port for that game ???
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Postby V-man » Mon Jan 16, 2006 5:36 am

Yes - and no!

There actually is kind of such a thing. Though it's not a source-port (Lucas Arts will never give their source away!) but rather a re-write from scratch and it is not an OpenGL "port", but a Direct3d one. Now for another problem: It's not public.

A sad story short: In 1998 a very good coder was already so much done on his project, that the first level was playable. But somehow... He was cussed at in a really bad way for "being lazy" by some people over at the DF scene. First he decided to make his game region-depended and to exclude everybody except Europeans from using the game. But soon thereafter he was insulted in an even heavier way and beeing a sensitive person (that's what he said himelf) he could no longer bear it and withdrew from the DF scene - officially canceling the port.

I'm totally sure that he has continued it for himself. Heck! He hat even started multiplayer support for it via Direct Play... All that happened back in the last quarter of 1998, I think. And it's a real shame as this game is quite a gem IMO. :(

I'll try to find some more information, if anyone is interested.
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Postby hurenBock » Mon Jan 16, 2006 1:54 pm

oh sounds bad

but thx for the info!
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Re: Star Wars Dark Forces (1995) OpenGL Port ???

Postby Rekrul » Thu Oct 05, 2006 1:24 pm

Sorry for reviving an old thread, but I was reading some of the old posts and I didn't see this mentioned anywhere.

hurenBock wrote:is there a OpenGL port for that game ???

People looking for an updated version of Dark Forces might be interested in this site;

It's a work-in-progress TC for Jedi Academy that hopes to recreate the entire game of Dark Forces.

Don't get too excited though, it's only about half finished and since about 99% of such projects get abandoned between 50-75% done, chances are good that this will never be finished. According to the progress page, the coding is taking a backseat to the sound, music, map and model making. Not a good sign at all. It means that they're concentrating on the relatively easy parts of the game and leaving the most essential element until last. Which is where they're most likely to run into trouble and get tired of working on it. :(

It looks nice though. Well, it looks nice after I save the screenshots and boost the gamma. It seems that all the outdoor scenes are set at night and all of the indoor scenes show that the Empire doesn't pay its electric bill.
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