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Postby Trey » Fri Aug 08, 2008 9:08 pm

freakboy wrote:War In Afghanistan - US military meets CIA controlled afghan fighters. :wink:
War in Iraq - same sh.i.t...

The US is famous for creating 'monsters' that turn around and attack us later. It's the falicy of the whole 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend' idea. Iraq, Mujahadin, Noriega, eventually these people start to think, "You know who I hate even more than the guys I'm fighting? Those US bastards..." Hell, you could even go back to WWII and Soviet Russia.
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Postby freakboy » Fri Aug 08, 2008 9:57 pm

Trey wrote:
freakboy wrote:War In Afghanistan - US military meets CIA controlled afghan fighters. :wink:
War in Iraq - same sh.i.t...

The US is famous for creating 'monsters' that turn around and attack us later. It's the falicy of the whole 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend' idea. Iraq, Mujahadin, Noriega, eventually these people start to think, "You know who I hate even more than the guys I'm fighting? Those US bastards..." Hell, you could even go back to WWII and Soviet Russia.
No, they did not turn around, they always obeyed CIA without even knowing it. Taliban and Alqueda are a part of CIA, CIA uses them as a tool. FASCIST ORDOR AB CHAO. Same thing happened in Madrid and London I think.
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Postby Trey » Sat Aug 09, 2008 12:35 am

freakboy wrote:
Trey wrote:
freakboy wrote:War In Afghanistan - US military meets CIA controlled afghan fighters. :wink:
War in Iraq - same sh.i.t...

The US is famous for creating 'monsters' that turn around and attack us later. It's the falicy of the whole 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend' idea. Iraq, Mujahadin, Noriega, eventually these people start to think, "You know who I hate even more than the guys I'm fighting? Those US bastards..." Hell, you could even go back to WWII and Soviet Russia.
No, they did not turn around, they always obeyed CIA without even knowing it. Taliban and Alqueda are a part of CIA, CIA uses them as a tool. FASCIST ORDOR AB CHAO. Same thing happened in Madrid and London I think.

Hey, if you want to believe that the CIA are super compitant, super secret world manipulators. More power to you. I think your giving them way too much credit. They're really just guys with a lot of money, that grease palms to get things done, and don't ask too many questions about 'how' it's getting done. You think there's a giant conspiracy? 911, Big Oil, Jews, Nazis, Christian Right, Free Masons, UFOs, Illuminatie... Forget it, people just aren't compitant enough to carry out Macievellian schemes on a global level. It's just like religion, people like to belive that someone's in charge... anyone. The other option is too unthinkable for most... that no one is running things. That it's all just chance, luck, and chaos. That there's no particular planning or meaning to most of it. The truck's rolling down the hill, and no one is at the wheel. The truth is just mondane, Oswald shot Kennedy, what crashed in Roswell was a metorlogical balloon, Neil Armstrong did land on the moon, a small group of trained fanatics flew packed airliners into the World Trade Center, the buildings fell down because of fire and structural damage, the CIA and MI5 really did belive that Iraq had chemical weapons because they are not super geniuses but bumbling incompitants.

And what is the ultimate goal of this conspiracy? To keep America on the top of the heap? To destablize the Mideast so gas'll be $100 a liter? To crush Islam? To kill brown people? So the Illuinatie'll create a One World government for Satan?
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Postby freakboy » Sat Aug 09, 2008 1:38 pm

Oh boy I know more about your fascist country than you do. And I live in Eastern Europe ffs.

I dont know anything about aliens or reptilians, but I do know that humans are highly organized. The history teaches us that.
Oswald shot Kennedy

Yeah, right. ... 0737304741 ... 8208127017
I think your giving them way too much credit.

Here, right in your face:
Cheney Considered Proposal To Dress Up Navy Seals As Iranian ... lag-attack
911 was NOT an inside job ... 8192753501
Then how can you explain that almost 6 weeks later after collapse of WTC there was still red hot molten steel? ... ID=6215364 ... 2wKX7_HsBg
And what about WTC building # 7 ??? It wasnt hit by a plane, but still collapsed in the same fashion like those two towers?
What about eye witnesses telling about multiple explosions at the bottom of the tower prior planes hit the building?
What about thermate leftovers in the area?
What about the speed the towers fell? It was a freefall speed which is impossible!!!
What about the Saudi hijackers? They are still alive!!! And why didnt USA invade Saudi Arabia then?
What about this? Doesnt this look familliar?

What about Oklahoma bombings? There was an audio phone record of CIA official asking a muslim to put fake explosives into the building and then when he almost agreed, CIA said to put real explosives there.

Bring freedom to Iraq

Yeah, right. What about two USA green berets that were cought by Iraq police and prisoned. Those two guys randomly shot at peaceful citizens on a daily basis and were dressed like muslims. And when USA and British forces destryed the prison and let the prisoners escape including those two guys?

What about David Rockefeller?
Rockafeller & CO calls us "sheep", "cattle"?
In David Rockefeller's book "Memoirs" he admits that he is part of a secret cabal working to destroy the United States and create a new world order. ... eason.html

You are just like me in 2007. :lol:
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Postby Trey » Sun Aug 10, 2008 12:54 am

Oh boy I know more about your fascist country than you do. And I live in Eastern Europe ffs.

We're not a 'Fascist' country. Fascist countrys are socialist countrys run by a military beauracracy. We're more like a country whose government has been infiltrated, and is largely controlled by, 'big business'. I'm not sure what the socialogical term for that is.

I dont know anything about aliens or reptilians, but I do know that humans are highly organized. The history teaches us that.

Heh, I didn't say anything about Reptilians... funny that you know about that.

Oswald shot Kennedy

Yeah, right.

Grassy knoll, shooters in the sewers, Mafia, CIA, Castro... It's sad but true, that one nut with a gun can change world history. Just ask Franz Ferdienan (sp?). Lee Harvey Oswald, I guy that wanted to be important, who wanted to make history. He made himself memorable alright.

Here, right in your face:
Cheney Considered Proposal To Dress Up Navy Seals As Iranian

Alright I'll give you that one. Cheney makes Darth Vader look warm and fuzzy. I've never trusted that detective. He is definatly a war-monger.

Then how can you explain that almost 6 weeks later after collapse of WTC there was still red hot molten steel?

When you crush a burning 110 story building into a 4 story deep hole in the ground connected to subway tunnels, you get something similar to a blast furnace.

And what about WTC building # 7 ??? It wasnt hit by a plane, but still collapsed in the same fashion like those two towers?

Building 7 was on fire the whole time, in fact that was one of the conspiracy questions. How it caught fire. Burning deris from the Towers started it. Eventually the fire reached fuel tanks in the interior, after that it was a goner. Part of the reason it fell down was because it was abandoned as being too dangerous to fight so close to the Towers.

What about eye witnesses telling about multiple explosions at the bottom of the tower prior planes hit the building?

Eye witnesses... Aliens, Bigfoot, the Virgin Mary. I watched it as it was happening on TV. I only live an hour away. A friend of mine lost a cousin in the Trade Towers. Another friend of mine was their and had to walk out of New York after they closed the island down. There were no explosions. The planes were passanger planes, not cargo planes, and there were no missiles strapped to their undersides...

What about thermate leftovers in the area?

Easy, there wasn't any.

What about the speed the towers fell? It was a freefall speed which is impossible!!!

The Trade Center buildings are the largest things ever created that collapsed. What can you compare it to? 110 storys, 500,000 tons! First off, you've got to know something about the way the buildings were constructed. They were empty boxes, built around 4 small interior steel pillars. The only rigid (steel, concreite) walls in the buildings were the outside walls! They were basically hollow, that's why their design was so innovative. It allowed for massive interior room, while the steel exo-skeleton provided more than enough redundant support to hold everything together, it was also rated to withstand a catagory 4 hurricane. The one thing it was not rated to withstand was nutcases flying 100 ton jet airlines full of fuel through their sides at 500 MPH. Take a cardboard box and sit on it, support your weight, now take a knife and cut out one of those sides, now sit on it, landed on your ass didn't you? It's something of a miracule that they stood as long as they did, but after a couple hours the fire weakened the inside supporting pillars, floor trusses, and walls, then... poof. The whole thing pancaked down on top of itself. When the supports gave out, the top of the building fell, that was 100,000 of so tons, landing on the floor below which had already been weakened, which collasped, adding to the weight, which landed on the floor below, and so on, so it actually picked up speed as it fell.

What about the Saudi hijackers? They are still alive!!!

Guys who look like them have been spotted, but so has Elvis and Jim Morrison.

And why didnt USA invade Saudi Arabia then?

Because the Saudis are our buddies. Hell, compared to their neighbors they're practically 'enlightened', and cosmapolitan. It's the dirty little secret of this whole mess that it can all be laid at the feet of Saudi citizens, from Bin Lauden to the highjackers. The problem is this fanatical fundamentalist brand of Islam that's become all comsuming in the last 30 years. In order to be a 'good' muslim, you have to support militant muslims, because, well... they are more 'devout' than you aren't they? Working towards making the muslim world that Mohammud imagined and all. So they throw money at them, to get them to go away, and build schools to teach radical islam, buy guns to shoot Isrealies, or whatever... as long as it's not in Saudi Arabia. Then they go back to collecting sports cars, or raising horses, feeling all pious. This was the first time it ever came back bite them in the ass, embarrassing them and us. So everybody sits around the table ignoring the 500 lb. gorilla in the room (Saudi complicity in the founding and funding of Al Qaeda).

What about this? Doesnt this look familliar?

Yep, looks like a building being demolished. Supports are blown out from underneath it, allowing it to fall to the ground pancaking on top of itself. A similar thing happened to the Trade Center, except in that case the damage was 2/3, or 3/4 of the way up, but the result was the same. The building collapsed pancaking, crushing itself with it's own weigth.

What about Oklahoma bombings? There was an audio phone record of CIA official asking a muslim to put fake explosives into the building and then when he almost agreed, CIA said to put real explosives there.

Mc Veigh never denighed bombing the Federal building.

Bring freedom to Iraq

I never said this. :oops: That crap about 'bringing freedom to Iraq' is just alot of flag waving nonsense. Someone needed to get their ass kicked. It's as simple as that. People here were hurt and pissed off! Someone was going to get a beating for it. We couldn't find the guys we really wanted to kill so we pulled out our 'Shit-list', whose name was at the top? Sadam Hussan. He wasn't going to run anywhere, and he was stupid enough not to realize just how seriously angry America was, so he called our bluff and *bang* we leveled his counrty and left him hiding in a hole in the ground... Young George Bush beat up Daddy Bushes enemy... The same shit happens in bars every night around the world, some guy gets sucker punched, he can't find the guy who hit him so he punches someone else.

Yeah, right. What about two USA green berets that were cought by Iraq police and prisoned. Those two guys randomly shot at peaceful citizens on a daily basis and were dressed like muslims. And when USA and British forces destryed the prison and let the prisoners escape including those two guys?

That's all Bushes fault. He's the one who threw out the Geneva Convention. Torture? It's not torture, it's an unpleasant near-death experience... That asshole. You can't fight evil by becoming evil. For some reason this President hasn't gotten the memo, and the worst part is we've got people here in the US cheering him on! Go Team! He's going to protect our freedom by taking it away from us, and not allowing people outside the US to have any, except what he deems to be acceptable. It's assinine

What about David Rockefeller?
Rockafeller & CO calls us "sheep", "cattle"?

Have you talked to people much? They are mostly cattle and sheep, even Lennon said so.

In David Rockefeller's book "Memoirs" he admits that he is part of a secret cabal working to destroy the United States and create a new world order.

What he's admitting to is working twoards a unified, one world government. Not being part of some secret cabal. World government is coming... you can smell it on the wind. It might not happen in our lifetimes but it'll happen. The world's never been more interconnected than it is now.

You are just like me in 2007.

You are just like me in 1989. :P
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Postby freakboy » Sun Aug 10, 2008 11:58 am

You think fascism is so obvious? Well I got something that is pretty obvious. Californian governor:
ok "jokes" aside...
Mc Veigh never denighed bombing the Federal building.

just like Lee harvey Oswald never did. :lol: If the media is owned by corporations who attend the bildebergers anualy ofcource we will get "they never denied".
What about thermate leftovers in the area?
Easy, there wasn't any.

There was: ... ID=2428695 ... 6137017736
You said:
The Trade Center buildings are the largest things ever created that collapsed. What can you compare it to? 110 storys, 500,000 tons! First off, you've got to know something about the way the buildings were constructed. They were empty boxes, built around 4 small interior steel pillars. The only rigid (steel, concreite) walls in the buildings were the outside walls! They were basically hollow, that's why their design was so innovative. It allowed for massive interior room, while the steel exo-skeleton provided more than enough redundant support to hold everything together, it was also rated to withstand a catagory 4 hurricane. The one thing it was not rated to withstand was nutcases flying 100 ton jet airlines full of fuel through their sides at 500 MPH. Take a cardboard box and sit on it, support your weight, now take a knife and cut out one of those sides, now sit on it, landed on your ass didn't you? It's something of a miracule that they stood as long as they did, but after a couple hours the fire weakened the inside supporting pillars, floor trusses, and walls, then... poof. The whole thing pancaked down on top of itself. When the supports gave out, the top of the building fell, that was 100,000 of so tons, landing on the floor below which had already been weakened, which collasped, adding to the weight, which landed on the floor below, and so on, so it actually picked up speed as it fell.

What a load of bullshit. Carboard is not the same as steel supported building. Fuel [cerosine] CANNOT melt steel!!! Cannot even weaken it. And buildings do not fall at freefall speed no matter what height they are! AND THE WTC TWINS COULD WITHSTAND MULTIPLE PLANE HITS, THATS WHAT THE ARCHITECTS OF THOSE BUILDINGS SAID!!! If you believe D|ck Cheney and the rest of the gang more than the architects themselves then you are mentally ill!
H.L.Oswald did this:

Jim Marrs on jfk. He takes a rifle in his hands and trys to shoot: ... 8208127017
Because the Saudis are our buddies. Hell, compared to their neighbors they're practically 'enlightened', and cosmapolitan. It's the dirty little secret of this whole mess that it can all be laid at the feet of Saudi citizens, from Bin Lauden to the highjackers. The problem is this fanatical fundamentalist brand of Islam that's become all comsuming in the last 30 years. In order to be a 'good' muslim, you have to support militant muslims, because, well... they are more 'devout' than you aren't they? Working towards making the muslim world that Mohammud imagined and all. So they throw money at them, to get them to go away, and build schools to teach radical islam, buy guns to shoot Isrealies, or whatever... as long as it's not in Saudi Arabia. Then they go back to collecting sports cars, or raising horses, feeling all pious. This was the first time it ever came back bite them in the ass, embarrassing them and us. So everybody sits around the table ignoring the 500 lb. gorilla in the room (Saudi complicity in the founding and funding of Al Qaeda).
Saudis are your buddies? LOL Maybe Nazi Germany would also be your buddies?! Oh focking right - Prescot Bush funded NAZIS!!!
And take a look at this:
Image ... arges_viv/
Hey admin why censor at all? I mean I can't even type "detective Cheney" name without being censored. :lol: Is detective Cheney a curse? Is there are free speech at all in the West or I should move to Africa? :lol:
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Postby Trey » Mon Aug 11, 2008 1:31 am

Mc Veigh never denighed bombing the Federal building.

just like Lee harvey Oswald never did. If the media is owned by corporations who attend the bildebergers anualy ofcource we will get "they never denied".

Actually Oswald did deny having anything to do with any of it. He said he didn't know why the police wanted him, and that they hadn't said anything about any shooting until they got him to the station. Later he famously claimed to be a 'patsy'.


What about thermate leftovers in the area?
Easy, there wasn't any.

There was:

As one of the replys points out. This guy is a physisist, not a metalergist. He also didn't say he found Thermite, he says that he found slag metal that metalergically contains the byproducts of a thermite reaction. Aluminum, Iron, Sulfate. As another reply to the video points out, what do you think that building was full of? Steel, Iron, Aluminum, and hundreds of tons of Drywall, which is composed of... wait for it... calcium sulfate. That's right. All the componants of Thermite, or at least an amalgom that melted together would be chemically identical to the residue of Thermite.

The Trade Center buildings are the largest things ever created that collapsed. What can you compare it to? 110 storys, 500,000 tons! First off, you've got to know something about the way the buildings were constructed. They were empty boxes, built around 4 small interior steel pillars. The only rigid (steel, concreite) walls in the buildings were the outside walls! They were basically hollow, that's why their design was so innovative. It allowed for massive interior room, while the steel exo-skeleton provided more than enough redundant support to hold everything together, it was also rated to withstand a catagory 4 hurricane. The one thing it was not rated to withstand was nutcases flying 100 ton jet airlines full of fuel through their sides at 500 MPH. Take a cardboard box and sit on it, support your weight, now take a knife and cut out one of those sides, now sit on it, landed on your ass didn't you? It's something of a miracule that they stood as long as they did, but after a couple hours the fire weakened the inside supporting pillars, floor trusses, and walls, then... poof. The whole thing pancaked down on top of itself. When the supports gave out, the top of the building fell, that was 100,000 of so tons, landing on the floor below which had already been weakened, which collasped, adding to the weight, which landed on the floor below, and so on, so it actually picked up speed as it fell.

What a load of bullshit. Carboard is not the same as steel supported building. Fuel [cerosine] CANNOT melt steel!!! Cannot even weaken it. And buildings do not fall at freefall speed no matter what height they are! AND THE WTC TWINS COULD WITHSTAND MULTIPLE PLANE HITS, THATS WHAT THE ARCHITECTS OF THOSE BUILDINGS SAID!!! If you believe D|ck Cheney and the rest of the gang more than the architects themselves then you are mentally ill!

Actually when engineers want to test a design they build a model out of...? Cardboard, or wood. Well they used to now they use something called 'foamcore', but the idea is the same. The physics of engeneering are the same for a doll house as they are for the Twin Towers.

Ignition tempature for kerosine is only about 230 degrees, on the chart you'll see that almost all flammables are in a similar tempiture range. Steel looses it's strutural strenght a 550, and if you take the lower of the two tempature examples, melts at 1100. Ever heard of the phrase, 'Figures lie, and liars figure.'? The way a furnace works is, you stuff it full of fuel, then you force air into it. Structural fires do it all themselves, they're are the fuel and they're so large they create their own wind, turning themselves into blast furnaces. You've heard of the terms 'Backdraft', and 'Flashover'? That's the same mechanisims at work. My grandfather was a blacksmith. Seriously. Rod Blackhurst, of Buckingham county Virginia. When I was a kid I helped him work his forge. He worked Iron and Steel, using nothing but Coal and a Bellows. If you weren't careful you could 'burn' the metal, that means over heating it and ruining structure, turning it uselessly brittle. How did we heat steel and iron (which has a higher melting point) using only Coal (which burns at 400-500 degrees) and a hand-cranked bellows? It's not possible, coal doesn't burn hot enought make steel soft, let alone melt it. That's the miricule of a furnace, that's why we have and can work metals like titanium that can withstand a couple thousand degrees.
They were two PBS (public broadcasting system) specials called 'Why the Towers Fell'. PBS is as far left of center as media gets in the US, they went into all this, including interviewing the engineer of the towers who was crying because they didn't stand even longer than they did. He belived he understood the reasons behind the collapse. He built the damn things. He explained how an aircraft knocking out one of the walls would fataly destabalize the structure. First the load would be carried by the surviving walls, but given time and tempurture these would start to slowly fail until it reached a catostrophic point.

Freefall is the velocity a falling body obtains, around 200kmh. In a vacuum all objects fall at the same rate. In the atmosphere things like wind resistance tend to slow falling things down. If you drop a 100,000 tons, nothing is going to slow it down, even a structure beneath it, it will fall straight through it.

H.L.Oswald did this:

Jim Marrs on jfk. He takes a rifle in his hands and trys to shoot:

Just this year they did a reconstruction in Texas, in Deily Plaza, which the same gun, making the actual shot, from the window, as well as the grassy knoll, and the 'sewer' shot. The only one that created the same wounds was the shots from the Schoolbook Depository. They also forensically examined the dictitape recording made when one officer left his mike open, by recreating the shot. The recording seems indicate a third, or maybe even forth shot, but it was discovered to be an echo.

Because the Saudis are our buddies. Hell, compared to their neighbors they're practically 'enlightened', and cosmapolitan. It's the dirty little secret of this whole mess that it can all be laid at the feet of Saudi citizens, from Bin Lauden to the highjackers. The problem is this fanatical fundamentalist brand of Islam that's become all comsuming in the last 30 years. In order to be a 'good' muslim, you have to support militant muslims, because, well... they are more 'devout' than you aren't they? Working towards making the muslim world that Mohammud imagined and all. So they throw money at them, to get them to go away, and build schools to teach radical islam, buy guns to shoot Isrealies, or whatever... as long as it's not in Saudi Arabia. Then they go back to collecting sports cars, or raising horses, feeling all pious. This was the first time it ever came back bite them in the ass, embarrassing them and us. So everybody sits around the table ignoring the 500 lb. gorilla in the room (Saudi complicity in the founding and funding of Al Qaeda).

Saudis are your buddies? LOL Maybe Nazi Germany would also be your buddies?! Oh focking right - Prescot Bush funded NAZIS!!!

I told you why already as simply as I could, the Saudis are our 'friends'. I had a best friend, Joe Adams. He slept with my girlfriend... Hi, Joe if you are reading this. Can you trust your 'friends'? Not nessessarily. Remember the 'first' Gulf War, Daddy Bush's war? Who was the one country in the region that would allow the US to use thier territory as a base of operations to launch attacks against a 'brother' muslim country? That's right, Saudi Arabia. Hell, Turkey, a Nato member wouldn't let them use Turkish soil. They wouldn't even let us fly over their airspace! The Saudis choose sides back then, they chose to support the 'west' rather than stonewalling like the rest of the Persian Gulf nations. That was a huge deal back then and the US still hasn't forgotten it. They are still our strongest 'ally' in the region. Heck, we sent one of their princes up in the Space Shuttle, the first muslim in space. The govenment keeps sweeping unpleasant realities under the rug, because without the Saudis (who still nominally support US efforts) the US has no other friends in the area. Back before the seventies they were all friends of the US, Iran, Iraq, Lebennon. That's one of the reasons the Bush administration is so keen to get a friendly 'democratic' government in Iraq, one more base in the mideast to throw our weight around and help stabilize the region and keep that oil flowing.

Pictures of obviously cut steel beams:

See the guys standing around in those pictures of yours? You know what they're called, Steel Workers. Why are they called Steel Workers? Because they work with steel!!

This is 'groundzero' after the collapse: ... p_0898.jpg

After the collapse there was a three story high burning pile of rubble and debris, with teetering walls and i-beams. Those guys in the pictures you posted are standing at ground level. Do you think the workers just dig the rubble out from around those teetering walls and i-beams? No, they bring in cranes and cutting torches. They hook the cranes to the walls and beams, cut them off as low as they can reach, lift out that section, then cut it into smaller pieces to cart away. Then they dig the rubble out until they've exposed enough to have to bring in the cranes and the cutting torches again. Then they keep doing the same thing over and over until they reach the ground, just like the guys in your pictures have done. Of course those beams have been cut, they were cut by the men tearing it down! With cutting tourches! That much should be obvious...

I'm not new in this town. I've been a conspircacy/occult buff for 20 years, back when there was no internet and all you had was good old books, 'Chariots of the Gods','Late Great Planet Earth', anyone? I've heard them all, my favorite's the 'Philadelphia Experiment' (being from Philadelphia and all), the Nazi 'Bell' is another great mysterious one. Masteromen said something interesting (which has been deleted now...), something to the effect of 'The more I learn about these things, the more I should believe them.', but that's a fallicey. Actually it's usually been the exact opposite, the more I look into these things the less substance I tend find behind them. Nobody can convince me of anything, I have to first look at it and convince myself. It doesn't make it any less interseting, just less 'majical'
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Postby hfric » Mon Aug 11, 2008 1:46 am

i feel like i was warped back to PACSTEAM forums
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Postby Scaryfun » Mon Aug 11, 2008 1:54 am

Uhhmmm...those beams were obviously cut with torches as part of the cleanup of ground zero. :P

This site explains in detail and with some videos as well how conspiracy theories can be disproved and the exact reasons for the collapse of the towers -

Happy reading! :D
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Postby Trey » Mon Aug 11, 2008 2:09 am

Oh yeah, and Arnolds dad was a nazi... sort of. He was a austrian police officer when Germany annexed Austria, so technically he became a paid uniformed officer in the service of Nazi Germany. It's unclear as to wether he was actually a 'party' member.
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Postby Arminius » Mon Aug 11, 2008 2:10 am

If any of you are old enough to remember the 1960's comedy TV series Get Smart I would say that show probably wasn't too far from the truth.

For those of you who don't know, in the show C.O.N.T.R.O.L. was a secret government agency modeled on the C.I.A. and its top agent Maxwell Smart (loosely based on the Pink Panther's bumbling detective Inspector Clouseau played by Peter Sellers), was also basically a bumbler who would always win in the end.

As far as I am concerned the C.I.A. is also basically a bunch of real life bumblers run by people who are suffering from paranoid delusions about imagined threats around the world. Case in point: the traditional circular villiages of the Hakka people in China were thought to be missile silos in the 1960's when photographed from satellites in space despite denials by the Chinese.

As far as 911 is concerned, it is the United States' own long standing foreign policy biting it back. It was nothing more than a sucker punch.

It all could have been avoided. If the United States had from the very beginning made sure the Palestinians had received fair and equitable treatment fifty years ago instead of letting the Israelis treat the Palestinians the way the U.S. had treated it's own native American Indians in previous centuries, the situation wouldn't have snowballed out of control to the point it has now. And the standing of the United States in the Arab world would have been much better.
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Postby MasteromaN » Mon Aug 11, 2008 11:51 am

Trey wrote:Oh yeah, and Arnolds dad was a nazi... sort of. He was a austrian police officer when Germany annexed Austria, so technically he became a paid uniformed officer in the service of Nazi Germany. It's unclear as to wether he was actually a 'party' member.
I can believe to that. And I can say half of French was nazis back in WW2. If USA wasn't there maybe today I'd speak in german. That's why France is obliged to buy Coca until the end of the eternity. :lol:
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Postby zobraks » Mon Aug 11, 2008 1:55 pm

MasteromaN wrote:If USA wasn't there maybe today I'd speak in german.
Nope. You'd speak German if it weren't for the Russians, not the Americans. The western allies let Russia bleed till the end and decided to make a move only after the Soviets marched across half of the Europe, afraid that the Russians can cross the Rhein before they do.

Thanks to the English and the Americans we had a wonderful period (half a century) of communism in the Eastern Europe . :(
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Postby Trey » Mon Aug 11, 2008 8:33 pm

zobraks wrote:
MasteromaN wrote:If USA wasn't there maybe today I'd speak in german.
Nope. You'd speak German if it weren't for the Russians, not the Americans. The western allies let Russia bleed till the end and decided to make a move only after the Soviets marched across half of the Europe, afraid that the Russians can cross the Rhein before they do.

Thanks to the English and the Americans we had a wonderful period (half a century) of communism in the Eastern Europe . :(

Speaking of not being able to trust your friends... Russia stuck it's foot in it when Stalin decided to team up with Hitler and devided up Poland. He was pretty surprised when the Nazis plow right threw his forces and straight into Russia. Also he was partly to blame for how poorly Russian forces were commanded in the begining of the war. I his paranoia had wiped out nearly ever compitant general in the Russian army, in his own 'night of the long knives'. In defence of the other allies, it took several years for the US to first, help push Germany out of North Africa, so that all Nazi forces were back in Europe (especially Rommel who was their best general, and nerve racking to have running around loose), it also took several years to tool up war production in the US, by D-day we finally had all the supplies, manpower, and landing craft nessessary. We also took a couple of trial runs invading Italy, just to get the feel of it. Also we were fighting and suppying 2 wars on 2 fronts on oppisite sides of the world, divided by oceans, as well as sending Russia supplys. Your own supply lines lead from the factories straight onto the battlefieds. In the end Russia did almost single handedly kick the crap out of the 'Supermen'.
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Postby freakboy » Sat Nov 01, 2008 10:46 am

Rumsfeld Calls for New 9/11 On Leaked Tapes:
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