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Cool Games Premiere

Postby mr.editor » Mon Jan 15, 2018 12:10 pm

We have all seen Cool Games Premiere releases with light blue disc box covers. But does anyone know in what country this publisher was based in? Hungary?

Anyone remember any other publisher which re-released old and/or obscure games after their prime with budget price? I know there were Xplosive and Sold Out in UK.
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Re: Cool Games Premiere

Postby user43687 » Mon Jan 15, 2018 2:45 pm

mr.editor wrote:We have all seen Cool Games Premiere releases with light blue disc box covers. But does anyone know in what country this publisher was based in? Hungary?

Anyone remember any other publisher which re-released old and/or obscure games after their prime with budget price? I know there were Xplosive and Sold Out in UK.

"The Games Collection" here in NL is one to add, real odd re-releases like TombRaider 1-6, 1-9 or RollercoasterTycoon 1-2+all exp, I have 3meters of TGC classics physical. Some obscure titles, but most are common and popular. As if 1 guy was responsible for picking out what would be released on it.

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