Buratillo [Ru] Saturn Plus / Buka Entertainment 2008

This is a satirical version of the Pinocchio tale. Looking for a wooden boy, his dad Carlo somehow wandered into an abandoned landfill, where it was an old, moss-covered log that once served as a scaffold. The scaffold once stood in the town square and over the centuries has absorbed so much evil, that would be enough for an army of killers. Sawing off a piece of wood, joyful Carlo went home, anticipating what a cute boy he could now make. After, the boy drags on cigarettes and plays a game of cards and he still has some money pockets full. Buratillo is a nightmare for ordinary people, a headache for police, and sidekick for the homeless and parasites. Humour, unexpected events and lateral passage - this is what awaits you in this game.
Russian Full Demo 795MB (uploaded by Igrozoom.ru)
Russian Clone ISO Demo 4.31GB (uploaded by Terje_P)
Russian Clone ISO Demo mirror 4.31GB (uploaded by Terje_P)

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