Robot City Brooklyn Multimedia / Byron Preiss Multimedia 1995

Based on Isaac Asimov's Robot novels, this is a sci-fi adevnture. Far from the 50 Spacer Worlds, your survival pod crashes on a planet where a secret experiment is taking shape. Robot City, an entire city built and ruled by robots. Without humans to command and supervise them, these robots have evolved their own ways of doing things. Their ideas of how to obey the Three Laws of Robotics might be a little different from yours. You soon learn that Robot City is out of control, that the only human who might know why has been murdered, and that you are the prime suspect. The objective of Robot City is to search for clues that will solve the murder and provide evidence to prove your innocence. During your visit to Robot City you are expected to unlock the hidden knowledge of Robot City's mysterious human creator. These robots are entertaining as they have all the characteristics of humans in that they can change their minds, can be fooled, be very stubborn, and their logic is not always based on common sense. The most unusual thing about Robot City, besides the fact that only robots live there, is the way that the streets and buildings rearrange themselves as you move around. You must always remember the Three Laws of Robotics in order to save yourself and Robot City, and thus shape the future of human- kind and robot-kind. Don't know them you say? Just ask a robot!
2CD ISO Demo 699MB (uploaded by Scaryfun)
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