Secret Files 2: Puritas Cordis Fusionsphere Systems and Animation Arts / Deep Silver 2008

The mystery of the Tunguska event from the original game has been resolved, and playable characters Nina Kalenkov and Max Gruber have split up. Nina embarks on a cruise to Portugal and Max travels to Indonesia, but their separation does not last long. There has been an escalation of natural disasters around the world, and Nina's father Vladimir Kalenkov has been called upon to find out what is causing them. At the start of the game a vicar, fleeing into his church, is killed over documents prophesying the apocalypse. He manages to get the documents into the hands of Bishop Parrey, a third playable character who is tasked with keeping the documents out of the wrong hands. Famine in Africa, floods in Southeast Asia, economic crisis in Europe, and civil wars in South America – the world is on the brink of disaster. Nina Kalenkow is trying to escape all of that – and her failed relationship with Max Gruber – on a nostalgic cruise to Portugal. But she is witness to a murder in the Hamburg docks and is soon thrust into the spotlight of events that encompass not only continents but also centuries. Whilst her ex-boyfriend and scientist Max is witness to inexplicable natural catastrophes during his research into ancient Indonesian temples, Nina immerses herself, together with a Catholic priest called David Korell, deeply into the secrets of a fanatical brotherhood that prophesises the end of the world. They soon have to ask themselves what the connection is between the prophesised apocalypse and a sinister leader of an Order from the Middle Ages. Can the knowledge that lies buried in the past prevent the catastrophes that loom in the future? And what power is hidden in a thousand year-old document, for which people are still murdered for today? A terrible secret awaits her – and the world is on the brink of a shocking future.
Level Demos German 900MB (@ Worth Playing) English 942MB (@ Game Pressure)
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DVD ISO Demo 1.90GB (uploaded by Egon68)

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