Mission US: For Crown or Colony Electric Funstuff / New York PBS Station Channel 13 2011

This edutainment free browser-playble game is a tale of a teenager coming of age in Colonial America that makes for a solid adventure, whose gentle challenge is balanced by excellent production values and historical detail. Playing as 14 year-old Nat Wheeler, a lad who has just been accepted as a printer's apprentice, the goal of the game is nothing so much as to enter the world of 18th century Boston and navigate the revolutionary events that are about to occur. There are few out-and-out puzzles in the game: the emphasis is on exploration, discovery, and especially conversation. Most of the five chapters start with Nat receiving a task to complete, then moving from location to location hoping to accomplish it. Though the game is quite linear overall (keeping as it does to historical record e.g. There's no chance of preventing the Boston Massacre), and each of the chapters are self-contained, certain actions will open up optional events and there are three obviously-branching endings. Throw in a Pennywhistle Hero music rhythm minigame, a history review quiz, and a handful of primary documents, and you've got an adventure that Patriots and Loyalists of all ages will enjoy.
Browser-Playable Free Flash Game *requires registration (uploaded by Jay Is Games)

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