Also tried on a laptop with HD Graphics 5500.
Programnavn med feil: EuroCops.exe, versjon:, tidsangivelse: 0x42dc22ba
Modulnavn med feil: MSVCR71.dll, versjon: 7.10.3052.4, tidsangivelse: 0x3e561eac
Unntakskode: 0xc0000005
Feilforskyvning: 0x0000f937
Feil prosess-ID: 0x2d60
Feil starttid for program: 0x01d7316c51d30e3e
Feil programbane: C:\Program Files (x86)\OniGames\EuroCops\Bin\EuroCops.exe
Feil modulbane: C:\Program Files (x86)\OniGames\EuroCops\Bin\MSVCR71.dll
Rapport-ID: cbf7b91c-976b-45e0-8159-46c41dbca021
Fullstendig navn på feilpakke:
Relativ program-ID for feilpakke:
That particular library comes with the game, even tried replacing it using games from the same time period but no luck.
From what i gather it is a Serious Sam engine game, tried adding it to Nvidia Profile Inspector, but no luck
The game works on a XP VM so I think it is general issue with Windows 10. Havent tried a Windows 7 VM yet.
Trying to avoid the hassle of dual booting Windows 7 and 10, but it there is no other option to play these old games.... There are also more and more games incompatible with Windows 7.