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System SHock psi error

Postby chaser » Mon Nov 01, 2004 2:11 am

Cool game, but.. when i try to use my psi powers (the ones in the game ;) something terrible happens, all the textures dissapear and the game stops for about a minute. After it it comes back to normal after while. does anyone know what can i do with this problem?
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Postby Jace DeVeillan » Tue Nov 02, 2004 4:40 am

Here's a link to the system shock 2 forum.

They have a list of different fixes for different problems. The one you want is labeled "My GeForce 2 shows psychadelic colors when I use the psi-amp / enter a radiated area" (should be right up at the top of your screen when you hit that link). Usually, it's cause by using an NVidia driver that was way too advanced, so you have to downgrade a bit.

Don't worry, it's easy and safe, and they have a link right to the driver you need.

I know, because System Shock 2 is one of my favorite games. If you get it working, tell me. Maybe we can set up a 'net game sometime.
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Postby SevySave » Wed Nov 03, 2004 12:44 pm

there absolutly nothing wrong with that rip, ive lpayed through it over 5 times now and never encountered an error

It comes with the letest patched version (unsure about underdogs rip)

In future anyone who has any problems with it look at updating your computer drivers cause thats the only thing stopping you from playing this gem.
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Postby Jace DeVeillan » Wed Nov 03, 2004 3:05 pm

Actually, Sevy, the main problem is usually derived from the necessity of downgrading your computer drivers, and this is only in effect for those with Nvidia GeForce 2 or 4.
Jace DeVeillan
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