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Hoyle Casino corrections

Postby Smiling Spectre » Wed Feb 26, 2020 11:34 am

1. There is bad link for Hoyle Casino 2000. As it's obvious by checking readme on disc, it's Hoyle Casino '99. And entry for '99 on site is missing altogether.

2. There is different Hoyle Casino '99 disc on too. Seems, it's earlier version. It have Win95/3.1 installer, while disk above is Win95, but Win32s compatible.

3. True Hoyle Casino 2000 seems is this disc. It named "Hoyle Casino 4" inside, it's Win95 only, and it's definitely different from supposed 2000 disc on site.
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Re: Hoyle Casino corrections

Postby Scaryfun » Thu Feb 27, 2020 5:04 am

Thanks...these titles can be confusing as sometimes they skip years. Usually the release date is title labelled the following year (I guess they think people will buy more of a futuristic year), like Hoyle Casino 2000 would have a 1999 release date. I'll make a 1999 entry and make the changes above.
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