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Console Emulators?

Postby wkduffy » Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:18 am

I'm sure this has been discussed (I'm too lazy and full of turkey and trpytophan to look), and I imagine it would simply complicate issues and cause too much work for you-know-who...

But I'm sitting here right now making my way through my third game on the PS2 emulator PCSX2 (right now playing "Fatal Frame 3" and over the last 3 months I've finished "Siren 2" [only released in Japan and UK], and "Rule of Rose"), and I'm wondering about including playable console games in emulation on the PC? Or maybe not. Just tossing it out there. The games I've played certainly are not shooters per se, but there are tons of console shooters, of course, that work quite well in emulation with a keyboard/mouse configuration, which effectively transforms them into PC games, more or less.

I've reviewed the games I've played in emulation on my blog, and while all of them have had some quirky bugs, the games are quite beautiful when run in high resolutions if the PC can muster it (and if they run at regular speed). And with my recent discovery of the Wii/Gamecube emulator Dolphin (yes, I'm slow on these things), I also just invested in a USB Blutooth dongle and a Wiimote/nunchuck/sensor bar to play the shooter "The Conduit," "Silent Hill: Shattered Memories," and "Fatal Frame 4" (another J-only title with a fan-made English patch)--of course these can also be played as any PC game would with mouse/keyboard (with varying degrees of success, of course). Maybe that "varying success" thing is the reason why they don't fit this site? But ultimately with the advent of these emulators, you can make the argument, at least in theory, that many shooter console games have become PC games (whether we like that fact or not)
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Re: Console Emulators?

Postby hfric » Fri Nov 25, 2011 5:02 am

the thing is to play a ps2 game you have to have a 3 core cpu , 4 or more is recommended , emulation is too much cpu depended now

on a min average 2 core cpu with 3,2 you can play ALL SYSTEMS but not Wii , Ps2 and PSP

for a up to date list of emus go here
Code: Select all

oh and if you have a ps3 you can use its SIXAXES for wii pad emulation :P , ps3 pad works fine on pc

and like Scary said there will be a place in time when console shooters will be added to the list
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