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cireja's Game Suggestions

Postby cireja » Sun Dec 02, 2012 8:09 pm

Harry Hops auf dem Bauernhof

Seeing that is shared the other game, I think this could be interesting.
The first link does not work from some countries (Spain for example), but the second does work. I've downloaded and tested without problems:

+ info

(Sorry for my english. Please correct any errors.)
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Re: cireja's Game Suggestions

Postby cireja » Sun Jan 20, 2013 11:22 pm

(Sorry for my english. Please correct any errors.)
Please don't PM me for games, use eMule :)
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Re: cireja's Game Suggestions

Postby GigaWatt » Wed Jan 23, 2013 4:16 pm

Thanks, cireja. I know you're busy moderating on your forum, but please visit us more often. :)
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Re: cireja's Game Suggestions

Postby cireja » Wed Jan 23, 2013 7:36 pm

GigaWatt wrote:Thanks, cireja. I know you're busy moderating on your forum, but please visit us more often. :)

La verdad es que participo poco porque no sé expresarme bien en inglés. Siempre estoy ayudándome del traductor online y al final termina cansando. Yo os leo mucho, ya que leer es más fácil, y más o menos se entiende, pero escribir correctamente es otra cosa.
No fui muy buen estudiante, y ahora toca pagarlo :x

Aun así, ten por seguro que cada vez que encuentre alguna aventura gráfica que vea que no tenéis, acudiré sin dilación a compartirla con vosotros.


Please someone translate this.

(Sorry for my english. Please correct any errors.)
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Re: cireja's Game Suggestions

Postby GigaWatt » Wed Jan 23, 2013 7:47 pm

cireja, what the heck is this? A Mayan language? :lol:
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Re: cireja's Game Suggestions

Postby Scaryfun » Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:32 pm

Translation -
Code: Select all
The truth is I participate not too much because I can't express myself well in English. I'm always using online translator to help me and eventually end up getting tired. I read a lot, since reading is easier and more or less understood, but to write correctly is something else.
I was not a very good student, and now have to pay for it.

Even so, rest assured that whenever I find some graphical adventure that I see but that you don't have, I will acquire it without delay to share it with you.

Congratulations, cireja, on AbandonWiki. It's a great resource for infos on adventures...and now I see you are opening it up for all genres as well. :up:
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Re: cireja's Game Suggestions

Postby cireja » Fri May 31, 2013 11:15 am

(Sorry for my english. Please correct any errors.)
Please don't PM me for games, use eMule :)
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Re: cireja's Game Suggestions

Postby cireja » Wed Jun 05, 2013 5:37 pm

(Sorry for my english. Please correct any errors.)
Please don't PM me for games, use eMule :)
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Re: cireja's Game Suggestions

Postby cireja » Sun Jul 14, 2013 9:49 pm

(Sorry for my english. Please correct any errors.)
Please don't PM me for games, use eMule :)
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Re: cireja's Game Suggestions

Postby cireja » Wed May 07, 2014 4:17 pm

Shadowgate [Windows version] (


(Sorry for my english. Please correct any errors.)
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Re: cireja's Game Suggestions

Postby cireja » Thu Jul 17, 2014 12:05 pm

Dobrynya Nikitich i Zmey Gorynych = The Three Bogatyrs: Dobrynia Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynych

This is the original English game name used by the own Pipe Studio.
Although the translation of the name in Russian do think it should be a dragon, they use a serpent.
All this I say without really knowing anything. I've just made ​​a turn around in the official websites of Pipe and 1C.

Greetings to all
(Sorry for my english. Please correct any errors.)
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Re: cireja's Game Suggestions

Postby cireja » Fri Jul 25, 2014 9:17 am

Abaut "Expediente Ñ":

There are two Spanish games with the same name, completely different and independent.

This entry corresponds to the 2005 amateur adventure, but the new download that have set corresponds to 1998 action game.

The correct link to download the adventure game is this.
(Sorry for my english. Please correct any errors.)
Please don't PM me for games, use eMule :)
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Re: cireja's Game Suggestions

Postby Scaryfun » Fri Jul 25, 2014 10:10 pm

Ah, thanks. Fixed now. :)
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Re: cireja's Game Suggestions

Postby cireja » Tue Feb 16, 2021 12:54 pm

Aventuras en la Manigua [SP/EN]

+ info

Greetings to all
(Sorry for my english. Please correct any errors.)
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Re: cireja's Game Suggestions

Postby cireja » Thu Jul 29, 2021 5:18 pm

Hi all... :hi:

Company name error -->

FKs is wrong. It really is FSk

FSk Studios

(Sorry for my english. Please correct any errors.)
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