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Witchcraft: Hexenjagd durch magische Welten!

Postby Terje_P » Wed Jul 14, 2021 8:05 am

Witchcraft is an action game. You play as a witch and fly with your broom through the spooky caves and forests of Darkhorn in the 17 levels included. 11 spells and a number of power-ups help you to defeat enemies such as bats, kobolds, spiders, dragons and evil wizards. 5 Bosses need to be defeated. The background story is told via comic panels. ... che-welten

I cant seem to get pass the cdcheck both in a VM and my main OS. Tages or some custom job? Maybe more experienced people want to take a look.'

It worked with the crack from Myth on gamecopyworld.

Maybe someone wants to track down the legit scene release, as I'm not completly sure about the source of that crack even if the game works. ... ouldrinker

If you convert all the avi movies with and rename the files aftwards, you dont have to use XP SP3 compatibility mode. The movies is coded in the somewhat problematic indeo codec. ... -00-34.jpg ... -26-26.jpg

Plays like an onrail shooter where you have to dodge projectiles, although I never really figured out the dodging part.
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Re: Witchcraft: Hexenjagd durch magische Welten!

Postby Terje_P » Wed Jul 21, 2021 2:11 pm

Alcoholsoft 120% image, it looks like whatever BS protection the game had wont work with Windows 10/11. Even with the original disc inserted it said please insert disc. What absolute horseshit. Now it runs without the CD/image and using the original exe in Windows XP :huh: Maybe the fact that I ran it previously with a crack and/or from the original disc affects it then.

You most likely still need the crack.

MDF/MDS General Protected CD profile ... sp=sharing

With a clean Windows XP VM and me looking at the physical disc on my desk. The game pass whatever bullshit protection it has with the image mounted to my physical drive (Daemon Tools Lite) and VMware pointed to that one. So you most likely need a Windows XP VM if you want to bypass the protection with the original disc. It could also be a general issue with multiple drives, which might explain why it wont rezognize the CD/image under Windows 10/11

Update 2:
Just tried Witchcraft on my laptop with one SSD and one virtual drive and it did work without the crack. Turns out it was Windows Defender which had a problem with the DRM all along. Flagged it as a virus.
So if the DRM gets blocked the game will give you a please insert disc message, so my clone does work in Windows 10/11, it is just that Windows Defender blocks the DRM scheme from working like it should. Also make sure Windows didnt set the game to Windows 98/ME mode, if it somehow did automatically it also wont find the CD.
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