Pili youlingjian [Tw] Soft-World International 1997

This is historically the very first game in Chinese based on the dramatic puppet shows Pili Dramas (霹靂 布袋戲). The gameplay format is an RPG with a turn-based implementation of a combat mode and with the ability to use in a team a truly huge number of puppet characters from the Pili series. "Drank" (霹靂, literally thunderclaps) are puppet shows (glove puppets) that originated in Taiwan. The popular puppet-only television series began in the 1980s. This is one of the most popular shows in Taiwan. There are a lot of dolls: some of them are phlegmatic, some are smart, and some are very funny. Unlike traditional puppet shows, Pili also uses animation to complement combat duels with special effects. You start the game as a weak, chubby rookie named Nameless (不知名). Over time, your little boy will "pupate" into one of the heroes of the puppet shows named Su Xuyuan (素 續 緣) - he is the main character here. To do this, you will need to run away from bad people and swim across the river. When you find yourself on the opposite bank, you will be a different character. Perhaps such an evolutionary change of your protagonist will happen more than once - this is evidenced by the screenshots of the combat mode for different levels and battles in the game, where different characters act as team leaders. First, in the city, you need to go to an appointment with the ruler Meng Zhu (盟主) and her advisers. They will explain the situation to you. The strategic task in the game is extremely simple - you need to interfere with the insidious plans of the so-called School of Three Teachings (三 教) to seize power over all the martial arts of Wulin (武林). After receiving instructions, you can leave the city on a large map. You will go out with two women. Unlike early RPGs, enemies do not appear unexpectedly on a large map - they are clearly marked and can be easily bypassed. After fulfilling a number of conditions, you can enter other settlements. There will be several locations here: green spaces, desert, snowy forests and even something resembling ad. Often, chests with useful items can be opened right on a large map. The newcomer Nameless at the beginning of the game will fight various snakes, spiders, centipedes and other primitive natural nasty things (for some reason, they are depicted in a kind of unnatural anthropomorphic appearance) to warm up. And only then, with the experience gained, it will be possible to try your hand at group battles with real masters. At first, the graphics seem somewhat primitive (640x480x256s), albeit colorfully executed: the projection of the view in the game is 2D from above, and all objects and moving characters scattered over the surface of the map are already implemented with a side view. But all the beauty of the game is revealed in combat mode. The characters master not only martial arts, but also magic. So, this magic generates incredible special effects, illustrating one powerful magic blow after another. A team can have no more than five characters. You can fight in the "five to five" format, or all five to one. For combatants, the main indicator of health is displayed by a five-digit (!) Number - this, at least, indicates that the capabilities of the 16-bit command system are fully used. There are more than 300 (!) Ways of fighting, attention. They are categorized into approximately five categories. Characters - darkness, darkness, as it is in the very series of television puppet shows. Careful calculations in Chinese reviews give this figure - roughly 80 heroes in the game. At least the famous warriors - dumb Ye Xiaochai (葉小 釵) and sullen Luanshi Kuandao (亂世 狂刀) - will definitely get into your team. Even characters of typical European appearance (colonial period) are noticed. It has great musical themes of different tempo with a national Chinese flavor. Chinese speech is also abundantly present, which becomes audible in combat mode.
Taiwanese Full Demo 582MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)

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