Barista Brendon Chung / Blendo Games 2004

Barista is a short standalone DOOM modification using FreeDoom based on the ZDoom port of the DOOM source code. The story of the game is based on the original DOOM design documents known as the DOOM Bible. The game takes place at Tei Tenga, a Phobos station that has been invaded by demons. The player is a marine who wakes up at a card game with all his friends lying dead around him. The story telling is inspired by Marathon and features a mysterious AI known as Polypheme that communicates with the player with the use of terminals that are found all around the station. With the help of the AI the player has to try to stem the invasion. It's a first-person shooter just like the original DOOM, but it is a more slowly paced game with fewer enemy encounters. Instead the focus lies on creating an atmospheric experience while exploring the deserted station. Two weapons are available: a pistol and a shotgun. Both can be dual wielded for extra fire power. Not all enemies can be killed though. The game's cacodemons don't take any damage from the player's limited arsenal and therefore encounters with these should be avoided. The developer also made three other mods in the Barista series on various game engines - Id Tech 2, Doom 3, and Half-Life 2. He later made popular surreal 3D adventures such as Gravity Bone and Thirty Flights of Loving.
Free Game (Barista 1) 4.5MB (uploaded by Official Site)

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