Drifting Lands Alkemi 2017

This is an original mix of classical horizontal shooter with modern hack & slash standards. It takes the core gameplay of a standard horizontal shmup, opens it up and extracts most of the mindless auto-fire required to destroy enemies and replaces this by a set of skills selected among the list available for your class. Use these skills with various effects (dash, area of effect attacks, time control, etc.) during your runs with classical resources consumption and cooldowns management, add random loot, crafting, and exhaustive inventory customization of your ships and weapons. With the choice of your pilot class, you’ll have the opportunity to take control of different ships, best suited to your favorite gameplay style. You're a super player of bullet hells and don't mind dying on the first few impacts? You'll find a perfect class for you with high-damages / low-resistances interceptors. You'll benefit from a smart customization of your gear, but your performances on the field will be mainly based on your skill. You enjoy the progressive design of a powerfull build through skills and inventory optimization? Your class will offer more resistant ships, able to put up with a lot more impacts. But if you want to shine, you'll have to be smart in the selection of your special powers and how you create synergies with your equipment. It will feature randomly generated levels, random loot and a progression of your characters and ships over dozens of hours. This competitive mode of the demo will still exist in the final version but will only be a secondary gameplay mode. When the completed game is worthy, they will release a pay-to-play version of the game. If you want to support the team or get access to the RPG/campaign mode, you'll then have the opportunity to buy a copy of the game.
Steam - Alpha Level Demo (uploaded by Steam)
Full Demo v1.0.1527 383MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

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