Wings of Fury: Jetzt erst recht! Gregor Zolynski, Florian Faust, Ulf Stocker, Kathrin Stocker 2006

This fan-made 3D remake of a game originally on Apple II in 1987 was made for the Big Compo 2006. It is 1943 and the war in pacific is at its height. You are a pilot in the proud US Navy with your mighty F6F Hellcat. After a few weeks without any trace of Japanese forces suddenly the hell broke lose. The sky was pitch black of enemy planes and the air was full with the humming of the Mitsubishi motors. The battle was short but fierce and the result was horrible - all the ships of your fleet were sunk to the ground, only the hulk of what was once a mighty carrier was floating through the wreckage. This being the only place to land you took it. On board were no more than a few planes and lots of weapons but no crew but a mechanic and two other pilots. Even your odds were worse then ever, you and your tiny group of comrades started a new campaign against the Japanese empire - founding the squadron called.
Free Game ( provided by starlord & upped by Scaryfun) 10MB

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