Abmneshi The Prophecy Pteriforever 2012

This is a rather surreal freeware Bullet Hell shmup, based somewhat loosely on the Ben Drowned universe and drawing heavily gameplay-wise from Giest118's Trigonometry Wars 4. It was designed in four months. The game is split into 7 stages; 5 normal stages which always appear regardless of difficulty, and up to two EX stages which are tacked onto the end at higher difficulties. They're not really Extra stages in the sense Touhou uses them; they're more like EoSD's final stage; it just isn't there on Easy mode for whatever reason. Motivation behind making this game was to create a game which subverts some of the more annoying conventions of the genre while maintaining the same core gameplay we know and love. Firstly, the game's stages aren't played one after the other but rather through an overworld; lives are refilled between stages and your character changed, and they can be played multiple times if you wish. This game has no conventional bombs. Replacing them are the Hyper and Shield systems. They work similarly with the main exception that shields last longer, hypers enhance your attacks, and shields change up constantly whereas hypers need grazes to charge. The scoring system is kind of a mash of various Touhou systems. Blue items are worth points and work towards extra lives, as indicated by the Extend bar. Rainbow items fill the Multi bar; when it's full the multiplier increases by 1; this affects most of the game's scoring, although the blue items are the main source of score anyway. There are 3 playable characters: Jadusable is slow, has a good variety of attacks, and has a longer invincibility after death; Ryukaki is fast, has only forward attacks, and charges his shield faster; BEN has only spread attacks, and gains extra lives sooner. The game also has configurable controls.
Free Game 73MB (uploaded by The Forgotten Planet)

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