Day Z 2010

This Arma II Combined Operations mod alpha release caused Arma 2's sales to jump 500% from previous week to the top of the Steam bestseller list. It has a Persistent Server - all stats are saved to an external database so wherever you log off, whatever you have will be keep on you next time you come back in. This means you can spend however long you want doing what you want to do. As long as you don't die during the night! Realistic "Zombies" with custom animations - These once human creatures will act and behave as if they have a heighten sense of hearing and smell but less sight, on top of that they use motion captured animations such as walking and eating from your unconscious body. If you look into any built up area you'll see them walking around waiting for their next victim which dares to venture in. New weapons and vehicles - Ever felt like you needed a Crossbow? Or maybe a less military like weapon? On top of that you can even pick up the bolts fired from the Crossbow to reuse! Not only that there are also custom vehicles which can be repaired and ridden around to show the world what you're made of. ArmA II's magic medic feature is a thing of the past with a custom medical system - If you get shot, expect to bleed and to lose blood until you're bandaged up. Lost too much blood? Then expect to fall over unconscious. If you get shot in the leg then you won't be able to walk until you get morphine so you can man up. Pain is also a factor taken into consideration so without pain killers after taking an injury you'll continue to shake. Expect to find things such as water canteens, a number of canned foods, junk and car parts (Along with more!) each of which have their own models, textures and UI imagery, once again all created to that high quality you expect in a full scale modification and we're sure you won't be disappointed with it. Hunting and Survival - Eating and drinking is a core part of gameplay, you can tell if you need something by a very subtle GUI which doesn't effect the atmosphere, and if you don't fulfil those needs. You'll die. Wandering animals can killed and gutted (with the right tools) to gain access to their meat which can be eaten so you live longer but also to gain blood. For once these animals actually have a use.
Download Alpha Test 107MB (uploaded by Official Site)

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