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Note to add to the Quake 4 listing

Postby Trey » Mon May 17, 2010 11:56 pm

Installing patch 1.4.2 updates the game and removes the DVD check, but it'll still check the serial. Here's a simple way to disable the serial check (at least in XP, don't know about Vista and Win7) Might be good to add it to the Q4 download:

When the game boots up, it asks me to enter my CD-Key again: When I do, it says "This CD-Key is already in use".

Other Symptoms:
* This happens even AFTER I install the crack from the \deviance directory from the ISO image.
* The instructions say to "block Quake 4 from accessing the internet with my firewall", but my Service Pack 2 firewall doesn't pop up when I run Quake 4!
* When I add an exception to the SP-2 Firewall and leave it unchecked, or leave the IP range of machines able to access it to a 192.x.x.x IP address, I STILL get the "This CD-Key is already in use" message!

1. Start -> "Run"
2. Enter "c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts" without quotes.
3. A dialogue opens that asks which program you want to use to open the file. Choose "Notepad".
4. Now you will see a display explaining what the hostfile is and what it does. Go to the very last line in the entire document... the one that says " localhost".
5. In the line after " localhost", you will add "".
6. Save changes, exit the document.
7. Launch Quake 4. You will see, a dialogue that says the game is trying to connect to validate CD-Key. It'll take a few seconds (It's actually connecting to nowhere), and then the key will be automatically validated and you can play.

For Solution step 5, make sure that you hit "tab" to get the spacing between the IP address and the host name. I don't know if the tabbed space or if hitting that number of spaces makes any difference, but for me, I used the tab: And it worked. Don't say I didn't tell ya!
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Postby Scaryfun » Tue May 18, 2010 2:14 am

Thanks, I'll add infos to download. :up:
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Postby otiscrusher » Tue May 18, 2010 5:17 pm

I'm suprised somebody still plays this. I even forgot this game ever existed, seriously.
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Postby Delacroix » Tue May 18, 2010 7:21 pm

You're surprised, because you're a touchy primadonna, nothing else.

Q4 is a pretty good and solid game, pushed the IDTech4 engine to its limits both in terms of visuals and gameplay. As for the story - geez, this is the first SP Quake I actually found enjoyable, because it HAD a storyline players could immerse in. In Q1 and Q2, almost nothing pushed the story forward, whereas Q4 is an experience I'd call "cinematic". Soldiers communicate with you, sometimes rely on you - you are in a world - and this is what Q1 and Q2 both lack.
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Postby otiscrusher » Tue May 18, 2010 11:59 pm

You're surprised, because you're a touchy primadonna, nothing else.

Heh, it's beacuse I've seen them all. Nothing suprises me and intrigues.

Q4 is a pretty good and solid game

Yap, very solid, everything's wrong. From sound to level design.

pushed the IDTech4 engine to its limits both in terms of visuals and gameplay.

I know what engine it uses and that's why I hate it. IDT4 isn't cool like they say. Horrible shadows, plastic faces and shtty lightning. There's no difference bettwen D3. Even worse to tell the truth. I thought it aint possible but I was dead wrong.

As for the story - geez, this is the first SP Quake I actually found enjoyable, because it HAD a storyline players could immerse in.

You've been immersed in that? Wow, I'm glad I haven't. :D

In Q1 and Q2, almost nothing pushed the story forward

For that time it didn't have to. Q2 was very good then, top notch. 8)

whereas Q4 is an experience I'd call "cinematic".

You mean those poorly scripted cutscenes? Heh, all right. :)

Soldiers communicate with you, sometimes rely on you

Just a bunch of scripts, nothing more. Like in any other low budget FPS from Europe.

you are in a world - and this is what Q1 and Q2 both lack.

Quite opposite, they were funny and entertaining games. I've never been bored as far as I remember. It was a good time. I still remember the first ogre I've killed with that bloody axe. Loved that sound, chop-chop, quick but painfull.
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Postby Trey » Wed May 19, 2010 4:27 am

Seriously dude...

All I ever hear coming from you is how much everything sucks, and how we are idiots for wanting <game>, or idiots for liking <game>. Which, by the way, you usually brag about having a better copy of...
If you have a better copy of <game> and it sucks, or you already have a perfect copy of <game>... Doesn't that make you at least as big an idiot as any of us?

I only ever hear is negative criticism. What do you like? Anything? You said you enjoyed Quake, and Quake II. Both were good, ground breaking in their day, but seem quaint and dated now. Meanwhile you blast Quake IV's quality?! The game play is basicaly the same, how was that game any less graphically groundbreaking in it's time as the other two? How does it seem any less quaint now 6 years later?

You happily carp about how much FarCry sucks, a game many regard as one of, if not the best, single player shooter ever made... Not that it matters, tastes differe after all.

Well, what do you like? Put your game tastes on display for us, just like you were a regular forum member. Give us the benefits of your obviously superior game opinions. How about your top 10? Top 5 maybe? I somehow doubt that you'll do that for us, because you would be opening youself to the same kind of comment sniping you seem to enjoy so much. You get off on this supposed superiority of yours.

I could really care less, but every time you run though the forums here swinging your whale sized ego around like some kind of giant phalluss, you scare off the regulars (the ones we'd actually like to keep around).
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Postby Virgil » Wed May 19, 2010 9:00 am

No surprise you don't have any friends, otis. Ever thought why? Your excessive cynicism is nothing more than defensive mechanism that keeps your overly low ego from hitting the ground.
I somehow doubt that you'll do that for us, because you would be opening youself to the same kind of comment sniping you seem to enjoy so much.
If you take a look at the picture he chose for his avatar you'll get an idea what he's really into.
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Postby otiscrusher » Wed May 19, 2010 10:57 pm

All I ever hear coming from you is how much everything sucks, and how we are idiots for wanting <game>, or idiots for liking <game>. Which, by the way, you usually brag about having a better copy of...
If you have a better copy of <game> and it sucks, or you already have a perfect copy of <game>... Doesn't that make you at least as big an idiot as any of us?

[A loud and unexpected fart] oops, damn, sorry :oops:

I only ever hear is negative criticism. What do you like? Anything? You said you enjoyed Quake, and Quake II. Both were good, ground breaking in their day, but seem quaint and dated now. Meanwhile you blast Quake IV's quality?! The game play is basicaly the same, how was that game any less graphically groundbreaking in it's time as the other two? How does it seem any less quaint now 6 years later?

Ok, Ok! Q4 is the best FPS EVER made. It's perfect in every way. Stunning visuals, tough and very realistic AI behavior, wonderful voice cast and sounds, cool soundtrack, brilliant levels. You can't wish for more. Keep enjoying it, happy shooting. :D

You happily carp about how much FarCry sucks, a game many regard as one of, if not the best, single player shooter ever made... Not that it matters, tastes differe after all.

FC is superb, yes. Just ultra cool title.

Well, what do you like? Put your game tastes on display for us, just like you were a regular forum member. Give us the benefits of your obviously superior game opinions. How about your top 10? Top 5 maybe? I somehow doubt that you'll do that for us, because you would be opening youself to the same kind of comment sniping you seem to enjoy so much. You get off on this supposed superiority of yours.

Actually, my favorite game is Big Nose on NES. It has no match. Forget Quake and any other shooter.

I could really care less, but every time you run though the forums here swinging your whale sized ego around like some kind of giant phalluss, you scare off the regulars (the ones we'd actually like to keep around).

I could be careless either. But you're right, the regulars are the most valuable part of any forum. Hail to them. :welcome: Don't be scared of me, please. :P

No surprise you don't have any friends, otis.

I've got more friends then Usama Ben Laden. :)

Your excessive cynicism is nothing more than defensive mechanism that keeps your overly low ego from hitting the ground.

Why should it ever fall down? The physics, man, the math. It can't fall down anywhere. :D

If you take a look at the picture he chose for his avatar you'll get an idea what he's really into.

You have no idea what I'm into. :) Don't be so self assured, bro. :lol:
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Postby Xeon » Fri May 21, 2010 9:54 am

I therefore conclude that otiscrusher just wants to transport back to 1995 or sometime ago (I mean hey what the hell??). And since he didnt give his own list of favorite games, by some scientific calculation, I present you his alltime favorites condensed on a single website :cool: :cool:

1998 graphics at futuristic system requirements now within reach :D
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Postby Delacroix » Fri May 21, 2010 2:26 pm

Actually, my personal favorite game... or rather game series was also spawned on the NES, that being Castlevania. I love all parts of it, nothing matches this.
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Postby otiscrusher » Fri May 21, 2010 5:12 pm

that being Castlevania

Konami officially ported it on PC in 2002. Along with Super Contra. It's called: Konami Collector's Series: Castlevania & Contra. I'll up it one day. :D
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Postby Delacroix » Fri May 21, 2010 6:13 pm

I have it...

My two favorites of the series are: Symphony of the Night (PSX/Sat) and Order of Ecclesia (NDS), but the majority of the games are really pretty decent.
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Postby otiscrusher » Fri May 21, 2010 7:37 pm

Well, Castelvania is a very solid stuff. But I have more fun playing something like Contra or Battle Toads. Sure thing these games are quite different. :)
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Postby Delacroix » Fri May 21, 2010 8:27 pm

Try japanese Contra translated into english. This is fcking amazing. japanese FamiCom had better, custom GFX chips so this thing looked better... animated backgrounds, cutscenes, map... just see it to believe it.

EDIT: - there, as Gryzor.
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Postby otiscrusher » Fri May 21, 2010 10:58 pm

Try japanese Contra translated into english. This is fcking amazing. japanese FamiCom had better, custom GFX chips so this thing looked better... animated backgrounds, cutscenes, map... just see it to believe it.

I know this. But it doesn't matter anymore.
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