Index ⇒ Site Suggestions ⇒ explain the uploads more exact!

Think you have a suggestion to make? Feel free to post it here!

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Postby n0n4m3 » Tue Jul 20, 2004 7:20 pm

I also want to improve your great site with a small suggestion..

for me, I only download rips which have the original files and which are not unpacked/rebuilded as the Unreal tournament rip. thats why I want to suggest that every upload will get a small not if the rip is repacked or original...that also would save some traffic....
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Postby Scaryfun » Tue Jul 20, 2004 8:38 pm

If I have the original rip files, I up them like that. In the case of UT, I only had one big 180Mb compressed file which i had to repack.
It's pretty easy to see though if it's a repack...the files won't have the rip group naming convention. So, if you click on one briefcase and it's a repack, you can choose not to download it.

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