Gun Arms [J] Straβe Neun 2007

Side-scrolling action game where you control a humanoid mech robot that can move with a roller dash and bipedal walking, aiming to clear the stage while defeating the enemy. A Boss is waiting at the end of each stage. Clear the game and defeat the boss of the 7th stage. It has a little bit of flashy special effects and 3D modeled stages and enemies. The game itself plays like a pure 2D style action run-and-gun. You get a variety of different weapons that utilize both of your robot's arms (with a button to use each arm). One arm can be equipped with long range firepower, while the other arm is for close range melee attacks. As you might expect, melee attacks are incredibly strong, but are a lot riskier to use. You can get weapons like a drill, machine gun, homing missiles, and more! You also have a boost gauge to fly around in the air with air dashes, or you can have a controlled flight (shown by a blue flame) which is slower, but easier to manuever...and lastly, your robot has a super useful guard attack that can guard most attacks, but NOT all of them, so be careful with it. You also can only guard when you are on ground.
Japanese Free Game 23MB (uploaded by Supernova)

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