Shaftdiver D.N.A. Softwares 2010

This is a pseudo 3D Doujin STG, a "Space Harrier" clone starring characters from the excellent and popular Doujin shooter "Hellsinker". You play as returning characters "Deadliar", "Mino Game", and "Fossil Maiden" with a decidely younger look as you blast your way through eight default segments in this fast paced arcade-style shooter that takes a page from Sega's glory days. The game features numerous settings, four difficulty levels, and was later patched in 2011 to include two really AWESOME soundtracks; one by D.N.A. Software Creations (the original) and another by two members of the popular music group "Diverse System" (Recreated). Each character has different strengths, weaknesses, and special weapons. Deadliar is the typical average character with average attack power and average speed but with a powerful widespread bomb special weapon good for large enemy waves. Mino Game is weak attacker but fast mover and shoots many homing shots with "her" special weapon which are pretty good for waves but tough against smaller waves and bosses. Fossil Maiden, just like in Hellsinker, is potentially the hardest character to use; slow but powerful and with a special weapon which makes a huge energy field that covers a majority of the screen and destroys almost anything that comes in contact with it. However, to use it effectively requires skill and timing. Completing the game allows you to select which segment you want to play on. The graphics are pretty good by doujin standards with nice character sprites and neat little effects like splashing against water and smoke trails, but one of the interesting things about the game is that you can alter the game's resolution through the command line, opting for different aspect ratios like 4:3, 16:9, or whatever you see fit. The gameplay is not complex and mirrors the core aspects of SH right down to racking up points just for moving, but adds things like Special Weapons, multiple characters, and "Immortality Bonus" for skilled players.
Japanese ISO Demo + Updates 126MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

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