Lost Planet 2 Capcom 2010

This third-person shooter game built on the Unreal Engine 3 is the sequel to Lost Planet: Extreme Condition which is also made by Capcom, taking place ten years after the events of the first game, on the same fictional planet. It comes 5 months after the initial console version. The face of E.D.N. III has changed dramatically. Terraforming efforts have been successful and the ice has begun to melt, giving way to lush tropical jungles and harsh unforgiving deserts. Players will enter this new environment and follow the exploits of their own customized snow pirate on their quest to seize control of the changing planet. Players control their heroes across 6 interconnected episodes, creating a truly unique interactive experience that changes depending upon the actions of the players involved. With this concept, players will have the opportunity to engage in the story in a much more dynamic way as plot threads evolve from different players' perspectives. Beyond the deep single player mode, Lost Planet 2 is loaded with extensive multiplayer modes. The intense and action packed campaign mode comes with the ability to form teams of up to 4 players online to clear mission objectives with friends. The PC edition uses DirectX 11 for smoke with lifelike volume and depth, reactive water and level bosses rendered with more detail than ever before. It also has support for Nvidia's 3D Vision and 3D Vision Surround technologies.
Benchmark Demo 955MB (uploaded by Clubic)
DVD5 rip ISO Demo 3.50GB (uploaded by scaryfun)

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