Galaxian War 5 Union Software Group 2000

Superbudget plotless "vertical shmup" from the Spanish developer. Actually, games from this office, until 2001 inclusively released them only for DOS. All that awaits you here is absolutely (we emphasize this moment) black space, a "protagonist" ship with infinite ammunition and a certain number of "lives" (given for the entire passage), dying after a single enemy hit, and three types of opponents - other ships attacking in "waves": they all attack relatively sluggishly (this does not mean that the game is simple at all), but they have a good margin of safety, that is, they do not explode after one well-aimed shot; for their destruction, points are awarded (a different number depending on the type of killed). There is only one type of bonuses - red dots occasionally thrown out by defeated enemies, allowing you to replace the base weapon with three more powerful ones (including a flamethrower) - also without restrictions on the number of charges, but lost if you lose your "life"; taking this thing, by the way, is quite problematic due to the high density of enemy fire. Note also that one type of adversary is prone to formally "suicidal" attacks - direct confrontations - that actually kill us, but only weaken him. The drawing of the ships and the visualization of the attacks are simple; a certain difficulty (level "above average") is also present.
ISO Demo ( provided by starlord & upped by Scaryfun) 3.4MB

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