Geo Shooters MIA 1999

This is a "bullet hell"-genre shooter game, created in the Japanese "Hot Soup Processor" programming language. The player flies a spaceship and must destroy all enemies on each stage, with a boss fight every four stages. Destroyed enemies drop colorful dots which give bonus score when picked up. Additional score can be also gained by grazing (just barely touching) the enemy bullets. Getting hit by bullets depletes the player's health, causing a game over when it runs out. Health regenerates slowly as long as the player is not shooting. Occasionally, a powerup may appear which makes the player's weapon more powerful until the end of the stage. Apart from the base game, there are other game modes: a "lower rank" mode which makes the game easier, a "limited shields" mode in which health doesn't regenerate, and a combination of the two. Additionally, each aforementioned mode comes in a harder variant (denoted with the symbol "変") in which the enemy fire is much denser. Each of these eight game modes has its own separate high score table.
Full Demo 174kb (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

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