Histera StickyLock Studios 2024

Early Access Release Date: Jun This is a free-to-play, fast-paced multiplayer shooter where the battle is set inside a dynamic time glitching arena. Chunks of battlefield from past, present and future Eras transform in real time beneath your feet. Enter our Early Access and shape the present and future of the game. Battle with weapons from the past, present and future as you compete to master the Glitch. The Glitch will change the battlefield around you shifting between Eras as the bullets fly. One moment you’ll be taking the high ground in a prehistoric valley, only for the ground to shift under your feet, transforming into a tightly packed WW2 warehouse or a gleaming high-tech city street... and more locations are coming. Choose your weapon loadout carefully as every Era has unique strengths and weaknesses when it comes to their weaponry, allowing for some Era-defying synergies. Compliment your anti-tank rifle with some flint throwing knives or your assault rifle with a... prehistoric poison shotgun?! Fight as part of a team and prove yourself in competitive team deathmatches and territory control. Histera is an arena shooter accessible for players of all skill levels. The game is free-to-play and won’t feature any pay-to-win systems, so everyone will be able to jump right in. However, those who are skilled enough may attempt to take the fight to the Glitch itself for powerful rewards.
Download: None currently available

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