Herald of Havoc Zeldars Zone 2022

Early Access, Full Release Date: Jun 25/2023 Grab huge guns, mow down hundreds of enemies, reach the end of the level, repeat. It doesn't get any simpler than this. Embark on a 3 hour campaign with varied environments and situations, and beat the leaderboard on a tightly crafted survival mode. A campaign with 21 short and varied levels. Ranging from relatively calm levels with a lot of exploration and secrets... to huge arenas with hundreds of enemies at the screen. It takes roughly 3 hours to beat on normal difficulty without looking for secrets. Need more? An Endless mode is present with a steam leaderboard. Loot random items and survive waves of enemies. 4 maps are available, ranging from simple arenas, to more complex maps with doors to unlock, and traps to activate. 12 unique weapons, each one having a primary and secondary fire, (and even a tertiary special ability for some of them). Some shoot bullets, some call down a huge lightning strike, one can even open a portal that spawn skeletons that fight for you... There's much more.
Download: None currently available

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