Escape From Tarkov: Arena Battlestate Games 2023

Early Access Release This is a spin-off of the online shooter that retains some mechanics from the original game, focusing on fast-paced combat between small squads on enclosed stages. originally intended to make it an additional mode to Escape from Tarkov, over time the project evolved into a separate game. The games share the same world, similar, realistic gameplay and user progress. The game is set in Tarkov, a fictional Russian city and the battlefield for two mercenary groups, working for the government and the TerraGroup corporation. This time, the core gameplay loop involves smaller encounters between gladiator squads in closed arenas. The competition is held by the mysterious Masters and directed by the Host. It retains some mechanics from Escape from Tarkov, but its gameplay is more tactical. With less players and smaller stages, combat is more dynamic. Both games are integrated, so progress achieved in one of them is carried over to the other one. The available modes include Shootout, playable solo and in co-op, Overrun, team-based battles against AI-controlled enemies, Teamfight, in which we must capture points of interest, and Last Hero, a typical deathmatch. It takes our skill into account while matchmaking, ensuring all battles should be challenging. The game includes weapons, mods and items from Escape from Tarkov, as well as alternate versions of popular locations from its predecessor. The stages include a sawmill, the Equator mall, and Bay5, a harbor warehouse once belonging to TerraGroup Lab.
Download: None currently available

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